- Web of Science ResearcherID B-9621-2011
- ORCID 0000-0001-7772-1023
- Twitter: @JaberMaguy
Professeure à Sorbonne Université au Laboratoire d’Archéologie Moléculaire et Structurale (LAMS), CNRS UMR 8220
Membre junior à l’Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) 2017-2021.
Présidente du Groupe Français des Argiles (Paris, France)
Directrice du LAMS
Directrice adjointe de l’école doctorale 397 « Physique et Chimie des Matériaux »
Membre de l’Editorial Board d’Applied Clay Science
Membre nommé au comité national en commission interdisciplinaire CID53
Mes thématiques de recherche portent sur la préparation et la caractérisation, au niveau moléculaire, de matériaux hybrides à base de molécules organiques et bio-organiques et de matrices minérales principalement argileuses. J’ai développé le concept d’archéo-mimétisme afin de mieux comprendre la formation, l’utilisation et l’évolution des matériaux utilisés dans le domaine du patrimoine. La synthèse de nouveaux pigments en nous basant sur des recettes historiques est au cœur de mes intérêts. Je m’intéresse également à l’influence de l’utilisation de différents liants à base d’huile ou de colle de peau sur les propriétés des matériaux. Les mécanismes de formation et de décoloration des différents pigments historiques sont étudiés via une approche multi-techniques.
J’étudie également les interactions entre minéraux et molécules organiques et bio-organiques pour suivre les premières traces de vie sur terre via une approche Top-Down (analyses de fossiles du pré-cambrien et fossilisation expérimentale) ou Bottom-up (réactions de condensation-en présence de surfaces minérales)
Ces matériaux sont systématiquement soumis à des vieillissements accélérés afin de comprendre leur évolution au cours du temps dans un contexte patrimoniale, prébiotique et environnemental.
Édition :
- Actualité chimique : numéro spécial « Les pigments et colorants : on en parle ? » à paraître en Octobre 2019.
http://www.lactualitechimique.org/ - Life : numéro spécial « Minerals and Origins of Life », edited by Jean-François Lambert and Maguy Jaber paru en Décembre 2018.
Brevet :
Procédé d’exfoliation d’argiles intercalées
Anca Lucia Laza, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé et Hervé Demais, “Procédé d’exfoliation d’argiles intercalées”, 2006, brevet FR20050002388 20050310.
Chapitres de livres édités à l’international :
Jaber, M. ; Lambert, J-F. and Balme S. ; “Proteins and Clay Minerals”, in Surface and Interface Chemistry of Clay Minerals, Volume 9, 1st Edition, Ed. R. Schoonheydt, C. Johnston, F. Bergaya, 2018,
Jaber, M. ; Komarneni, S. ; Zhou, C-H. ; “Synthesis of Some Clay Minerals”, in Handbook of Clay Minerals, Volume 5, 2nd Edition, Ed. F. Bergaya and G. Lagaly, Elsevier, 2012.
Bergaya, F. ; Jaber, M. ; Lambert, J-F. ; “Clays and clay minerals as layered nanofillers for (bio)polymers – Ch. 1” in Environnemental silicate nano-biocomposites, Ed. L. Averous, Springer-Verlag (London), 2012.
Jaber, M. ; Miéhé-Brendlé, J. ; “Recent advances in Organoclays” in Ordered Porous Solids : Recent Advances and Prospects, Ed. by Valentin Valtchev, Svetlana Mintova and Michael Tsapatsis, Elsevier, 2008.
Mini manuel de Chimie inorganique
Collection : Mini Manuel, Dunod
Auteurs : Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber
- Edition
- Life : « Minerals and Origins of Life », edited by Maguy Jaber and Jean-François Lambert january 2019.
- Actualité chimique : « Les pigments et colorants : on en parle ? » octobre 2019
- Brevet (1)
- “Procédé d’exfoliation d’argiles intercalées” : Anca Lucia Laza, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé et Hervé Demais, “Procédé d’exfoliation d’argiles intercalées”, 2006, brevet FR20050002388 20050310.
- Publications, h = 26
- Fanost, A. ; Gimat, A.; de Viguerie, L.; Martinetto, P.; Giot, A-C. ; Clémancey, M. ; Blondin, G.; Gaslain, F. ; Glanville, H. ; Walter, Ph. ; Mériguet, G. ; Rollet, A-L. ; Jaber, M.*;, Revisiting the identification of commercial and historical green earth pigments, 2020, Colloids and Surfaces A, 584 (2020) 124035.
- França, ID.B. ; Trigueiro, P. ; Silva Filho, Edson C.; Fonseca, M-G; Jaber, M.; Monitoring diclofenac adsorption by organophilic alkylpyridinium bentonites, Chemosphere, 2020, 242, 125109.
- Vinogradoff ; V. ; Le Guillou, C. ; Bernard, S. ; Viennet, J-Ch. ; Viennet ; Jaber, M.; Laurent, Remusat ; Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, Influence of phyllosilicates on the hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in asteroids: experimental perspectives, 2020, 269, 150-166.
- de Castro Silva, Fabrícia ; Clécio Brandão Lima, Cavalcanti Silva-Filho, Edson ; Fonseca, Maria Gardênnia ; Jaber, Maguy*, Through Alizarin-Hectorite pigments: influence of the organofunctionalization on fading, Colloids and Surface A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124323.
- Poirier, Mathilde; Millot, Yannick; Silva Gomes, Elisa; Jaber, Maguy; Herledan, Virginie; Laugel, Guillaume; Micoud, Pierre; Martin, François ; Lauron-Pernot, Hélène; Toulhoat, Complementarity of Density Functional Theory and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tools To Probe the Nano-Layered Silicates Surface Chemistry and Morphology, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 1, 267-286, doi10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05903.
- Messager, Cyrielle ; Beck, Lucile ; De Viguerie, Laurence ; Jaber, Maguy ; Thermal analysis of carbonate pigments and linseed oil to optimize CO2 extraction for radiocarbon dating of lead white paintings, Microchemical Journal, 2020, 154, 104637.
- de Castro Silva, Fabrícia ; Clécio Brandão Lima, Cavalcanti Silva-Filho, Edson ; Fonseca, Maria Gardênnia ; Lambert, Jean-François ; Jaber, Maguy ; A comparative study of alanine adsorption and condensation to peptides in two clay minerals, Applied Clay Science, 2020, 192, 105617.
- Clécio Brandão Lima, Luciano ; de Castro Silva, Fabrícia ; Cavalcanti Silva-Filho, Edson ; Fonseca, Maria Gardênnia ; Jaber, Maguy, Saponite-anthocyanins derivatives : the role of organoclays in pigments photostability, Applied Clay Science, 2020, 191, 105604.
- Clécio Brandão Lima, Luciano ; de Castro Silva, Fabrícia ; Cavalcanti Silva-Filho, Edson ; Fonseca, Maria Gardênnia ; Jaber, Maguy, Saponite anthocyanins pigments : Slipping between the sheets, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2020, 300(15), 110148.
- Pereira, M.B. ; Rafael, D. ; França, D. ; Araújo, C. ; Silva Filho, E. ; Riguad, B. ;Fonseca, M.-G. ; Jaber, M. ; Amino hydroxyapatite/chitosan hybrids reticulated with glutaraldehyde at different pH values and their use for diclofenac removal, Carbohydrate Polymer, 2020, 116036, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116036.
- Fornaro, Teresa ; Brucato, John ; Poggiali, Giovanni ; Angela Corazzi, Maria ; Biczysko, Malgorzata ; Jaber, Maguy ; Foustoukos, Dionysis I. ; Hazen, Robert ; Steele, Andrew ; UV Irradiation and Near Infrared Characterization of Laboratory Mars Soil Analog Samples : the Case of Phtalic Acid, Adenosine-5’ Monophosphate, L-Glutamic Acid and L-Phenylalanine Adsorbed onto The Clay Mineral Montmorillonite in the Presence of Magnesium Perchlorate, Preprints, 2020, 2020030172 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0172.v1).
- Jacquemot, P.; Viennet, J-Ch.; Bernard, S.; Le Guillou, Corentin ; Rigaud, B. ; Delbes, L. ; Georgelin,Th. ; Jaber, M. ; The degradation of organic compounds impacts the crystallization of clay minerals and vice versa, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, Article number: 20251.
- Viennet, Jean-Christophe; Bernard, Sylvain; Le Guillou, C. ; Jacquemot, P. ; Balan, Etienne ; Balan ; Delbes, L. ; Rigaud, B. ; Georgelin, Thomas; Jaber, Maguy ; Experimental clues for detecting biosignatures on Mars, Geochemical Perspective Letters, 12, 28-33 | doi: 10.7185/geochemlet.1931.
- Lin, Longfei ; Silva Gomes, Elisa ; Payan, François ; Jaber, Maguy, Kraft, Jean-Marc ; Laugel, Guillaume ; Lauron-Pernot, Hélène ; How the acido-basic properties Mg-silicates and clays govern the catalytic mechanism of transesterification reactions, Catalysis Science and Technology, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1039/C9CY01475F.
- Zhuang, Guanzheng ; Zepeng, Zhang ; Shanmao, Peng ; Jiahua, Gao ; Rodrigues, Francisco; and Jaber, Maguy* ; The interaction between surfactants and montmorillonite and its influence on the properties of organo-montmorilonite in oil-based drilling fluids, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42860-019-00017-0.
- Stalport, Fabien ; Roquette, Laura ; Poch, Olivier ; Dequaire, Tristan ; Chaouche-Mechidal, Naila ; Payart, Shanèle ; Szopa, Cyril ; Coll, Patrice ; Chaput, Didier ; Jaber, Maguy ; Raulin, François ; and Cottin, Hervé ; The photochemistry on space station (PSS) Experiment, Organic Matter under Mars-like Surface UV Radiation Conditions in Low Earth Orbit, Astrobiology, 2019, 19(8), doi.org/10.1089/ast.2018.2001
- Guillermin, David; Debroise, Theau ; Trigueiro, Pollyana ; de Viguerie, Laurence; Rigaud, Baptiste; Morlet-Savary, Fabrice; Balme, Sébastien; Tielens, Frederik; Michot, Laurent; Lalevee, Jacques; Walter, Philippe; and Jaber, Maguy*; New pigments based on carminic acid and smectites, a molecular investigation, Pigments and Dyes, 2019, 160, 971-982.
- Queiroga, Líbia N. F. ; de Brito Batista, Mariana ; dos Santos Silva, Lucinaldo ; Filho, Edson C. Silva ; Santos, Ieda M. G. ; Fonseca, Maria G.*; Georgelin,Thomas ; and Jaber, Maguy ; Microwave silylation bentonites for dye removal : influence of the solvent, Applied Clay Science, 2019, 168, 478-487.
- Cavalcanti R.S., Grayceyelle ; Fonseca, Maria G., da Silva Filho, Edson ; Jaber, Maguy*, Thiabendazole/bentonites hybrids as controlled release systems, Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, 2019, 176, 249-255.
- França, D.B.; Torres, S.M.; Silva Filho, E.C.; Fonseca, M.G.; Jaber, M.; Following the interaction between ranitidine and magadiite: the influence of the interlayer cation, Chemosphere, 2019, 222, 980-990.
- Queiroga, Líbia N. F. ; Rodriguez, Francisco ; Santos1, Ieda M. G. ; Fonseca, Maria G. ; Jaber, Maguy ; Functionnalized bentonites for dye adsorption : depollution and new pigments production, Pigment and Dyes
- Zhuang, Guanzheng ; Rodrigues, Francisco; Fonseca, Maria Gardennia; Zhang, Zepeng ; Walter, Philippe ; and Jaber, Maguy* ; Dressing protective clothing: stabilizing alizarin/halloysite hybrid pigment and beyond, pigments and dyes, 2019, 166, 32-41.
- Viennet, J-C. ; Bernard, S. ; Jacquemot, P. ; Le Guillou, C. ; Balan, E. ; Delbes, L. ; Rigaud, B. ; Georgelin Th.; and Jaber, M. ; Searching for organic biosignatures on Mars: Experimental perspectives, submitted to Geochemical Perspectives Letters, January 08 2019
- Rodrigues, F. ; Georgelin,§ Thomas; Gabant, Guillaume; Rigaud, Baptiste; Gaslain, Fabrice; Zhuang, Guanzheng; da Fonseca, Maria Gardênnia; Valtchev, Valentin; and Jaber, Maguy*; Confinement and time immemorial: Prebiotic synthesis of nucleotides on a porous mineral nanoreactor, Journal of physical chemistry Letters, . Phys. Chem. Lett.201910154192-4196, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01448
- Zhuang, Guanzheng ; Rodrigues, Francisco; Zhang, Zepeng ; Walter, Philippe ; and Jaber, Maguy* , A new durable pigment with hydrophobic surface based on natural nanotubes and indigo: Interactions and stability, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 552, 204-217.
- Zhuang, Guanzheng, Zhang, Zepeng, Maguy Jaber, Organoclays used as colloidal and rheological additives in oil-based drilling fluids: An overview, Applied Clay Science, 2019, 177(1), 63-81.
- Cam, N ; Benzerara, K; Georgelin, T; Jaber, M; Lambert, JF; Poinsot, M; Skouri-Panet, F ; Moreira, D; Lopez-Garcia, P; Raimbault, E ; Cordier, L; Jezequel, D; Cyanobacterial formation of intracellular Ca-carbonates in undersaturated solutions, Geobiology, 2018, 16, 49-61.
- F. Brito, Deoclecio; da Silva Filho, Edson C.; Fonseca, Maria G.; Jaber, Maguy ; Organophilic bentonites obtained by microwave heating as adsorbents for anionic dyes, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, 6(6),7080-7090.
- Trigueiro, Pollyana; Pedetti, Silvia; Rigaud, Baptiste; Balme, Sebastien; Janot, Jean-Marc; dos Santos, Ieda M. G.; Gougeon, Régis; Fonseca, Maria G.; Georgelin, Thomas; and Jaber, Maguy*; Going through wine fining : intimate dialogue between organics and clays, Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, 2018, 166(1), 79-88 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.02.060.
- Vicholous Dass, Avinash; Jaber, Maguy; Brack, André; Foucher, Frédéric; Kee, Terence P.; Georgelin, Thomas; and Westall, Frances; Potential Role of Inorganic Confined Environments in Prebiotic Phosphorylation, Life, 2018, 8,7.
- Bouaziz, Zaineb, Soussan, Laurence ; Janot, Jean-Marc ; Jaber, Maguy ; Ben Haj Amara, Abdesslem ; Balme, Sébastien ; Dual role of layered double hydroxide nanocomposites on antibacterial activity and degradation of tetracycline and oxytetracyline, Chemosphere, 2018, 2016, 175-183.
- Zhuang, Guanzheng; Zhang, Zepeng; Peng, Shanmao; Gao, Jiahua; Jaber, Maguy; Enhancing the rheological properties and thermal stability of oil-based drilling fluids by the synergetic use of organo-montmorillonite and organo-sepiolite, 2018, Applied Clay Science, 2018, 161, 505-512.
- Trigueiro, Pollyana; da Assis Rodriguez, Francisco; Rigaud, Baptiste; Balme, Sebastien; Janot, Jean-Marc; dos Santos, Ieda M. G.; Fonseca, Maria G.; Walter, Philippe; Jaber, Maguy*; Intimate dialogue between anthraquinone dyes and pillared clay minerals: Pigments and dyes, 2018, 159, 384-394.
- Sakhno, Yuriy; Battistella, Alice; Mezzetti, Alberto; Jaber, Maguy; Georgelin, Thomas; Michot, Laurent; and Lambert, Jean-François; One step up the ladder of prebiotic complexity: Formation of non-random linear polypeptides from binary systems of amino acids on silica, Chemistry A-European Journal, 2018, accepted. 10.1002/chem.201803845
- Raffaele Saladino, Bruno Mattia Bizzarri, Lorenzo Botta, Jiri Sponer, Judit Sponer, Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Baptiste Rigaud, Mikhail Kapralov, Gennady N Timoshenko, Alexei Rozanov, Eugene Krasavin, Anna Maria Timperio, and Ernesto Di Mauro, Proton irradiation: a key to the challenge of N-glycosidic bond formation in a prebiotic context“, Scientific Report, 2017, 7, 14709.
- Tangaraj, Vidhyadevy; Janot, Jean-Marc; Jaber, Maguy*; Bechelany, Mikhael; and Balme, Sebastien*, Adsorption and phytophysical properties of fluorescent dyes over Montmorillonite and Saponite modified by surfactant, Chemosphere, 2017, 184, 1355-1361.
- Zhuang, Guanzheng; Zhang, Zepeng*, Jaber, Maguy*; Jiahua Gao, Shanmao Peng, Libing Liao, Comparative study on the structures and properties of organo-montmorillonite and organo-palygorskite in oil-based drilling fluids, Journal of Industrial and Chemical Engeneering, 2017, 56, 248-257.
- Oberto Grangeiro da Silva, Marco Marciel Alves, Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos, Maria Gardennia Fonseca*, Maguy Jaber*, Mesoporous calcium phosphate using casein as a template : application to bovine serum albumin sorption, Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces, 2017, 158, 480-487.
- Francisco A.R. Pereira, Kaline S. Sousa, Graycyelle R.S. Cavalcanti, Denise B. França, Líbia N.F. Queiroga, Ieda M.G. Santos, Maria G. Fonseca, Maguy Jaber, Green biosorbent based on chitosan-Montmorillonite beads for anionic dyes removal, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2017, 4(5), 3309-3318, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2017.06.032.
- Akouche, Mariame; Jaber, Maguy*; Maurel, Marie-Christine; Lambert, Jean-François ; Georgelin, Thomas*; A molecular vestige of the origin of life on minerals : phosphorybosyl-disphosphate, Angewwandte Chemie Internatioanl Edition, 2017, doi.org/10.1002/anie.201702633.
- de Viguerie, Laurence; Jaber, Maguy; Pasco, Hélène; Lalevée, Jacques; Morlet-Savary, Fabrice; Ducouret, Guylaine; Rigaud, Baptiste; Pouget, Thierry; Sanchez, Clément; Walter, Philippe ; A 19th century “ideal” oil paint medium: a complex hybrid organic- inorganic gel, Angewwandte Chemie Internatioanl Edition, 2017, 56(6) 1617-1623.
- T. Dequaire, P.-Y. Meslin, M. Jaber, A. Cousin, W. Rapin, J. Lasne, O. Gasnault, S. Maurice, A. Buch, C. Szopa, P. Coll,, Analysis of carbon and nitrogen signatures with LIBS to search for organics under Mars-like Conditions, SpectroChimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy , 2017, 131, 8-17.
- Cornu, Damien; Lin, Longfei; Daou, Maya; Jaber, Maguy; Krafft, Jean-Marc; Herledan, Virginie; Laugel, Guillaume; Millot, Yannick; Lauron-Pernot, Hélène; Influence of acid-base properties of Mg-based catalysts in transesterification. Role of Magnesium Silicate Hydrate formation, Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 1701-1712.
- Qin, Zhengxing; Melinte, Georgian; Gilson, Jean-Pierre ; Jaber, Maguy ; Bozhilov, Krassimir; Boullay, Philippe; Mintova, Svetlana; Ersen, Ovidiu; Valtchev Valentin, The mosaic structure of zeolite crystals, Angewwandte Chemie Internatioanl Edition, 2016, 55 (48), 15049-15052.
- Cam, Nithavong; Benzerara, Karim; Georgelin, Thomas; Jaber, Maguy; Lambert, Jean-Francois; Poinsot, Melanie ; Skouri-Panet, Feriel; Cordier, Laure; Selective uptake of alkaline earth metals by cyanobacteria forming intracellular carbonates”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50 (21), pp 11654–11662.
- Georgelin, Thomas; Akouche, Mariame; Jaber, Maguy; Sakhno, Yuri; Matheron, Louis; Fournier, Frédéric; Méthivier, Christophe; Martra, G-Mario; Lambert, Jean-François, Iron oxide nanoparticles as catalyst for the formation of linear glycine peptides, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201601296.
- El Adraa, Khaled; Georgelin, Thomas; Lambert, Jean-François; Al-Rabaa, Abdel-Rahman; Jaber, Farouk; Tielens, Frederik; and Jaber, Maguy*, Montmorillonite-Cysteine Composites for Heavy Metal Cation Complexation : a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study, Chemical Engeneering Journal, 2017, 314, 406-417, doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.11.160.
- Fournier, Frédéric; de Viguerie, Laurence; Balme, Sebastien; Janot, Jean-Marc; Walter, Philippe; and Jaber, Maguy*; Physico-chemical characterization of lake pigments based on montmorillonite and carminic acid, Applied Clay Science, 2016, 130, 12-17.
- Tielens, Frederik; Gervais, Christel; Deroy, Géraldine; Jaber, Maguy; Stievano, Lorenzo; Coelho Diogo, Cristina; Lambert, Jean-Francois, Characterization of Phosphate Species on Hydrated Anatase TiO2 Surfaces, Langmuir, 2016, 32 (4), 997-1008.
- Thangaraj, Vidhyadevi; Bussiere, Jules; Janot, Jean-Marc; Bechelany, Mikhael; Jaber, Maguy; Subramanian, Sivanesan; Miele, Philippe; and Balme, Sebastien; Fluorescent Quenching of Sulforhodamine dye over Graphene Oxide and Boron Nitride like Graphene, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, DOI201501153R1, 2016, 13-14, 2125-2130.
- Saloana, S Gomes; Mariana B, Pereira; Ramon K, Almeida; Antonio G, Souza; Fonseca, Maria; Jaber, Maguy; Silylation of leached-vermiculites following reaction with imidazole and copper sorption behaviour, Journal of Hazardous Materials, DOI:10.1016 , 2016, 306, 406-418.
- Bejar, A; Ben Chaabene, S; Jaber, M; Lambert, JF; Bergaoui, L; Al-Mn-silicate nanobubbles phase as an intermediate in zeolite formation , Applied Clay Science, 2016, 123, 202-209.
- Akouche, M.; Jaber, M.; Zins, E-L.; Maurel, M-C ; Lambert, J-F. ; Georgelin, T., Thermal Behavior of D-Ribose adsorbed on silica: effect of inorganic salt coadsorption and significance for prebiotic chemistry, Chemistry A European Journal, 2016, 22(44), 15834–15846.
- Svetlana Mintova, Maguy Jaber and Valentin Valtchev, Nanosized microporous crystals: emerging applications, Chem Soc Rev., 2015, 44(20), 7207-7233.
- Georgelin, T.: Jaber, M.; Fournier, F.; Laurent, G. Costa-Torro, F.; Maurel, M-C.; Lambert, J-F.; Stabilisation of ribofuranose by a mineral surface, Carbohydrate Research, 2015, 402, 241-244.
- Poch Olivier, Jaber Maguy, Stalport Fabien, Nowak Sophie, Georgelin Thomas, Lambert Jean-François, Szopa Cyril, and Coll Patrice, Effect of Nontronite Smectite Clay on the Chemical Evolution of Several Organic Molecules under Simulated Martian Surface Ultraviolet Radiation Conditions, Astrobiology, 2015, 15(3), 221-237.
- CAM, Nithavong , Jaber, M., Georgelin, T., Lambert, J.F., Benzerara, K., Mimetic in vitro synthesis of amorphous Mg-, Ca-, Sr- and Ba-carbonates: what do we learn about intracellular calcification by cyanobacteria, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2015, 161, 36-49.
- Bouchoucha, M.; Tielens, F. ; Gaslai, F. ; Costa-Torro, F.; Casale, S. ; Palcic, A. ; Valtchev, V. ; and Lambert J.-F., and Jaber M*; Melanin Polymerization Held in Check: A Composite of L-DOPA with Zeolite Beta”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119(16), 8736-8747.
- Lepoitevin, Mathilde; Jaber, Maguy; Guegan, Regis; Janot, JM.; Dejardin, P.; Henn, F.; and Balme, S.; .BSA and lysozyme adsorption on homoionic montmorillonite: Influence of the interlayer cation, Applied Clay Science, 2014, 95, 396-402.
- Bippus, L. ; Jaber, M. ; Lebeau, B. ; Schleich, D. ; Scudeller, Y.; Thermal conductivity of heat treated mesoporous silica particles, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 190, 109-116.
- de Oliveira, M.M.; Márcia, M. F.; Fonseca, M. G.; da Silva Filho E..C.;, de Souza, A. G.:, and Jaber, M. ; Direct grafting of ethylene sulfide onto silicic acid magadiite, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 196, 292-299.
- Georgelin, T.; Jaber, M.; Bazzi, H.; Lambert, J-F. Formation of Activated Biomolecules by Condensation on Mineral Surfaces – A Comparison of Peptide Bond Formation and Phosphate Condensation, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biosphere, 43(4-5), 429-443.
- Bejar, A; Ben Chaabene, S; Jaber, M; Lambert, JF; Bergaoui, L, Mn-analcime: Synthesis, characterization and application to cyclohexene oxidation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 196, 158-164.
- Jaber, M.*; Georgelin, T.; Bazzi, H.; Costa-Torro, F.; Lambert, J-F.; Selectivities in Adsorption and Peptidic Condensation in the (Arginine and Glutamic Acid)/Montmorillonite Clay System, 2014, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (44), 25447–25455
- Assifaoui, A.; Huault L.; Maissiat C.; Roullier-Gall C.; Jeandet P.; Hirschinger J.; Raya J., Jaber M.; Lambert J-F. , Cayot P ; Gougeon, Régis D. ; Loupiac, C. ; Structural studies of adsorbed protein (Betalactoglobulin) on natural clay (Montmorillonite), RSC Advances, 2014, 4(105), 61096-61103.
- Kalvachev, Y.; Jaber, M.; Mavrodinova, V.; Dimitrov, L.; Nihtianova, D.; Valtchev, V. Seeds-induced fluoride media synthesis of nanosized zeolite Beta crystals, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 177, 129-141.
- Jaber, M.*; Spadavecchia, J.; Bazzi, H.; Georgelin T. Costa-Torro, France and Lambert, J-F. Non-biological selectivity in amino acids polymerization on TiO2 nanoparticles, Amino Acids, 2013, 45 (2), 403-406.
- Lambert, J-F.; Jaber, M.; Georgelin, T.; Stievano, L.; A comparative study of the catalysis of peptide bond formation by oxide surfaces, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15 (32), 13371-13380.
- Georgelin, T.; Jaber, M.; Onfroy, T.; and Lambert, J-F. Inorganic Phosphate and Nucleotides on Silica Surface: Condensation, Dismutation, and Phosphorylation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (24), 12579-12590.
- Santa, C.F.; Jaber, M.; Guth, J-L.; Sierra L.; Synthesis of texturally biphasic mesoporous carbon-silica composites and carbons, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 173, 53-63.
- Balme, S.; Guegan, R.; Janot, J-M.; Lepoitevin, M.; Jaber, M.; Dejardin, P.; Bourrat, X., Motelica-Heino, M.; Structure, orientation and stability of lysozyme confined in layered materials, Soft Matter, 2013, 9 (11), 3188-3196.
- Bernal, C.; Mesa, M.; Jaber, M.; Guth, J-L. Sierra, L. Contribution to the understanding of the formation mechanism of bimodal mesoporous MCM41-type silica with large defect cavities, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2012, 153, 217–226.
- Jaber, M.; Ribot, F.; Bin L.; Briois, V.; Cassaignon, S.; Rao, K.J.; Livage, J.; Steunou, N. Ex-situ XRD, XANES, ESR and TEM study of the hydrothermal crystallization of vanadium oxide nanotubes: an insight into the mechanism of formation, J. Phys.Chem. C, 2012, 116 (47), 25126–25136.
- El Adraa, K.; Timon, V.; Lambert, J-F.; Al-Rabaa, A.-R.; Jaber, F.; Jaber, M.; Tielens, F. Adsorption of L-DOPA intercalated in hydrated Na-saponite clay; a combined experimental and theoretical study, J. Phys. Chem. C , 2012, 116 (50), 26414–26421.
- Jaber, M.*; Bouchoucha, M.; Delmotte, L.; Methivier, C.; Lambert, J-F. The Fate of L-DOPA in the presence of inorganic matrices – Vectorization or composite material formation? J. Phys. Chem. C., 2011, 115 (39), 19216-19225.
- Bouchoucha, M.; Jaber, M.; Onfroy, T.; Lambert, J-F.; Xue, B. Glutamic acid adsorption and transformations on silica, J. Phys. Chem. C., 2011, 115 (44), 21813-21825.
- Prevot, V.; Szczepaniak, C.; Jaber, M. Aerosol-assisted self-assembly of hybrid layered double hydroxide particles into spherical architectures, Journal of Colloïd and Interface Science, 2011, 356 (2), 566-572.
- Jaber, M.; Lambert, J-F. A new nanocomposite: L-Dopa/Laponite, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2010, 1 (1), 85-88.
- Gao, F.; Jaber, M.; Bozhilov, K.; Vicente, A.; Fernandez, C.; Valtchev, V. Framework stabilization of Ge-Rich zeolites via post-synthesis alumination, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 1520.
- Bippus, L.; Jaber, M.; Lebeau, B. Laponite and surfactant/Laponite particles processed as spheres by spray-drying, New Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 33, 1116-1126.
- Jaber, M.*; Gaslain, F.; and Miehé Brendlé, J., Spherical organoclay by evaporation induced self-assembly, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2009, 57 (1), 35-39.
- Hadjar, H.; Hamdi, B.; Jaber, M.; Brendlé, J.; Kessaïssia, Z.; Balard, H.; Donnet, J.B. Elaboration and characterisation of mesoporous composite materials from diatomite and charcoal, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2008, 107 (3), 219-226.
- Jaber, M.; Miehe-Brendlé, J., Synthesis, characterization and applications of 2:1 phyllosilicates and organophyllosilicates: contribution of fluoride to study the octahedral sheet, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2008, 107 (1-2), 121-127.
- Gallego, J-C.; Jaber, M.; Miehe-Brendle, J.; Marichal, C. Synthesis of new lamellar inorganic-organic talc-like hybrids. New Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 32 (3), 407-412.
- Laza, A-L.; Jaber, M.; Brendlé, J.; Le Daite, H.; Demais, H.; Delmotte, L.; Vidal, L., Green nanocomposites: Synthesis and characterisation, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, 7, 1-7.
- Jaber, M.; Larlus, O.; Brendle, J., Layered metal (II) and silico-phosphonate with ion exchange properties, Solid State Sciences, 2007, 9 (2),
- Durupthy, O; Jaber, M.; Steunou, N; Maquet, J; Chandrappa, G.T.; Livage, J., Vanadium oxide foams: An insight into the structure of the vanadium oxide walls, Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17 (25), 6395-6402.
- Jaber M; Miehe-Brendle J; Michelin L; and Delmotte L., Heavy metal retention by organoclays: Synthesis, applications, and retention mechanism, Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17 (21), 5275-5281.
- Jaber, M.; Miehe-Brendle J; Delmotte L; and Le Dred R., Formation of organoclays by a one-step synthesis, Solid State Sciences, 2005, 7 (5), 610-615.
- Jaber M; Miehe-Brendle J., Influence of the synthesis medium on the saponite crystallisation: formation mechanism in acidic and basic media, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2005, 8 (2), 229-234.
- Jaber M; Miehe-Brendle J; Le Dred R., New lamellar Si-Al inorganic-organic hybrid material, Journal of Materials Science, 2004, 39(4), 1489-1490.2003
- Jaber M.; Miehe-Brendle J.; Delmotte L. New range of Al-Mg organoclays with tailored hydrophobicity: incorporation of fluoride as a local probe to study the octahedral character, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2003, 65 (2-3), 155-163.
- Jaber M; Miehe-Brendle J; Roux M; Dentzer, J; Le Dred, R; and Guth, J-L., A new Al,Mg-organoclay, New Journal of Chemistry , 2002, 26 (11), 1597-1600.
- Jaber M; Miehe-Brendle J; Le Dred R., Mercaptopropyl Al-Mg phyllosilicate: Synthesis and characterization by XRD, IR, and NMR, Chemistry Letters, 2001, 9, 954-955.
- Chapitres dans des livres édités à l’international (5) :
- M. Jaber; Lambert, J-F., and S. Balme, Proteins and Clay Minerals, 2018,
- Jaber, M.; Komarneni, S.; Zhou, C-H. “Synthesis of Some Clay Minerals”, in Handbook of Clay Minerals, 2nd Ed., Ed. F. Bergaya and G. Lagaly, Elsevier, 2012.
- F. Bergaya, M. Jaber; Lambert, J-F. , “Clays and clay minerals as layered nanofillers for (bio)polymers”-Ch. 1 in Environnemental silicate nano-biocomposites, Ed. L. Averous, Springer-Verlag (London), 2012.
- Bergaya, F.; Jaber, M.; Lambert, J-F. “Clays and Clay Minerals – Ch. 1” in Rubber Clay Nanocomposites. Science, technology and applications, Ed. M. Galimberti, J. Wiley & sons, 2011.
- Bergaya, F.; Jaber, M.; Lambert, J-F. “Organophilic Clay Minerals – Ch. 2”, in Rubber Clay Nanocomposites. Science, technology and applications, Ed. M. Galimberti, J. Wiley & sons, 2011.
- Jaber, M.; Miéhé-Brendlé, J. “Recent advances in Organoclays” in Ordered Porous Solids : Recent Advances and Prospects, Ed. by Valentin Valtchev, Svetlana Mintova and Michael Tsapatsis, Elsevier, 2008.
- Rédaction de livre édité chez Dunod: Manuel de chimie inorganique, Jean-François Lambert, Maguy Jaber et Thomas Georgelin, 1ère edition, Dunod, Janvier 2015.
- Actes de Colloques à Comité de Lecture (5) :
- Bippus, L.; Lebeau, B.; Jaber, M.; Scudeller, Y. Conductivité thermique de particules de silices mésoporeuses: influence des conditions d’élaboration, mai 2009, SFT, Vannes.
- Jaber, M.; Piovan, J.; Valtchev, V. Nanoporous Zinc-Silicate Rods: Synthesis and Characterization, in Topics in Chemistry and Material Science, Hadjiivanov, K.; Valtchev, V.; Mintova, S.; Vayssilov G. (Eds.), Heron Press, Sofia, 2008, Vol. I, pp 372-378.
- Jaber, M.; Steunou, N.; Azaïs, T.; Livage, J. Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes: New Synthesis Route and Mechanism of Formation, MRS Fall Meeting, 2004, 181-185.
- Maguy Jaber, J. Miéhé-Brendlé and R. Le Dred, Synthesis and characterisation of organophyllosilicates containing both Si, Al and Mg, MRS, San Francisco, 2002, 161-165.
- Jaber, M.; Caullet, P.; Guth, J-L.; Labarre, D. Mesoporous silicas for rubber reinforcement, Proceedings of the 2000 silicas Meeting, Mulhouse.
- Conférences invitées (8)
- From dopamine to melanin and back, Maguy Jaber, Mid European Clay Conference, 4-8 july Slovakia 2016.
- Le regard du chimiste sur l’art : les secrets des grands maîtres dévoilés : Maguy Jaber, Journée annuel de l’Institut des Matériaux, Mulhouse, 03 juin 2016.
- From paintings to the origin of life : slipping between the sheets : Maguy Jaber, 5th Mediterranean Clay Conference, Izmir, 25-27 septembre 2016.
- Hybrid materials : Origins of life, paintings bio- and environmental applications, Maguy Jaber, Chinese workshop on microporous materials, University of Jilin (Changchun) Key State Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative Chemistry, 25-27 janvier 2016.
- Green biocomposites for heavy metal retention and emerging pollutants, Maguy Jaber, Brasilian Meeting on Materials Science (1500 participants), Clay symposium, 11-14 septembre 2014.
- Biomolecules and Porous Materials: Origins of life, bio- and environmental applications, Maguy Jaber, 5th International Symposium, Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials (180 participants), September 6-9, 2013, Golden sands, Bulgaria.
- Clays and modern humans, a passionate story, Maguy Jaber, workshop franco-coréen, 16-17 octobre 2014 (40 participants).
- Les argiles, un matériau d’avenir, Maguy Jaber, Workshop sur les matériaux poreux Surfaces et Procédés pour la Catalyse », Strasbourg, 09-10 Janvier 2013.
- Séminaires (3)
- Le monde minéral et les biomolécules : Maguy Jaber, Centre de Recherche sur Matière Divisée (CRMD), 06 juin 2013, Orléans.
- Les biomatériaux et la dépollution : Maguy Jaber, Université Technologique de Troyes, Laboratoire de Nanotechnologie et instrumentation optique, 20 juin 2013.
- Clays and Clay Minerals: Past, present and future. Maguy Jaber, Université de Joao Pessoa, juillet 2013
- Communications orales nationales et internationales
- Maguy Jaber, Adsorption of dyes on oxide surfaces, Euroclay 2015, Edimburg 01-05 july.
- N. Cam , T. Georgelin, M. Jaber, J.-F. Lambert, K. Benzerara. In-Vitro Synthesis of Amorphous Mg-, Ca-, Sr- and Ba-Carbonates: What do We Learn About Intracellular Calcification by Cyanobacteria? Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, République Tcheque.
- M. Akouche, M. Jaber, M.-C. Maurel, J.-F Lambert, T. Georgelin, In situ synthesis of nucleotides on silica surface, 2015, USA, Astrobiology science conference (AbSciCon 2015)Chicago, USA, 15-19 june 2015.
- Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin and Houssein Bazzi, Biomolecules in porous materials, NARA Japon, juin 2014.
- T. Georgelin, M. Jaber, F. Fournier, M. Akouche, M.-C. Maurel, J.-F. Lambert, Abiotic phosphorylation of D-Ribose and nucleosides. Origin 2014, Nara, Japon.
- O. Poch, C. Szopa, P. Coll, M. Jaber, T. Georgelin, J.-F. Lambert, Laboratory simulation of the evolution of organic molecules at the surface of Mars, Origin 2014, Nara, Japon.
- P. Coll, O. Poch, C. Szopa, T. Dequaire, F. Stalport, M. Jaber, J.-F. Lambert, T. Georgelin, Organic molecules evolution at the Mars surface: a tracer for Habitability, European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2014, Cascais, Portugal
- M. Akouche, M. Jaber, M.-C. Maurel, J.-F Lambert, T. Georgelin, Adsorption et réactivité de phosphates et de ribose sur des surfaces minérales – Chimie prébiotique des nucléotides. Matériaux 2014. Montpellier, France.
- M. Jaber, T. Georgelin et J-F. Lambert, Sélectivités d’adsorption et de polymérisation d’acides aminés sur surfaces oxydes, Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France
- O. Poch, C. Szopa, P. Coll, M. Jaber, T. Georgelin, J.-F. Lambert, F. Stalport, Laboratory simulation to support the search for organic molecules at the surface of Mars, 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2014, Moscou, Russie
- O. Poch, M. Jaber, J.-F. Lambert, T. Georgelin, F. Stalport, C. Szopa, P. Coll. Search for clues of life or habitability at Mars: laboratory simulation of the evolution of organic molecules at the surface of Mars. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 2014, Moscou, Russie.
- P. Coll, O. Poch, M. Jaber, J.-F. Lambert, T. Georgelin, C. Szopa, F. Stalport, Impact of nontronite on the evolution of organic molecules at the surface of Mars, 51st Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society, College Station, Etat Unis
- Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Marie-Christine Maurel et Jean-François Lambert, Synthèse abiotique de nucléotides, EJC 2013, Paris, France
- Khaled El Adraa, Thomas Georgelin, Jean-François Lambert, Frederik Tielens et Maguy Jaber, Green Composites for Heavy Metal Removal: Experimental and Theoretical Approach, GFA 2013, 18-19 avril 2013, Ivry Sur Seine, France.
- Jean-François Lambert, Maguy Jaber, Thomas Georgelin and Houssein Bazzi, Formation of activated molecules by condensation on mineral surfaces, 12th European Workshop on Astrobiology EANA’12, AlbaNova, 15-17 octobre 2012, Stockholm, Suède.
- Maguy Jaber et Jean-François Lambert, Les aventures de la L-Dopa, GFECI 2012, 12-15 mars 2012, Belambra.
- Maguy Jaber et Jean-François Lambert, Novel Bionanocomposites : L-Dopa/inorganic matrices, Euroclays 2011, 26 juin-02 juillet 2011, Antalya, Turquie.
- Meryem Bouchoucha, Maguy Jaber et Jean-François Lambert, Adsorption et réactivité thermique de l’acide glutamique sur silice, Association Française de l’adsorption, 07 avril 2011, Paris, France.
- Laurent Bippus, Bénédicte Lebeau, Maguy Jaber, Philippe Guillemet and Yves Scudeller, Thermal Conductivity of Mesoporous Silica Particles: Influence of Post-Synthesis Treatments, Nanoporous materials VI, 21-24 Aout 2011, Banff, Canada.
- M. Jaber et J-F. Lambert, A New Nanocomposite: L-Dopa/Laponite, Matériaux 2010, 18-22 octobre 2010, Nantes, France.
- J-C. Gallégo, M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et C. Marichal, Organic-inorganic hybrids: one-step synthesis & elaboration of nanocomposites, Euroclays 2007, 22-27 juillet 2007, Aveiro, Portugal.
- M. Jaber et Jocelyne Miehe Brendle, Contribution of fluoride in the preparation of 2:1 phyllosilicates and organophyllosilicates, AIZ workshop 2006, Italie.
- M. Jaber, Fabrice Gaslain and Jocelyne Miehé Brendlé, Spherical Organoclay by evaporation induced self-assembly, GFA-CMS, 03-07 juin 2006, Ile d’Olérons, France.
- M. Jaber, O. Durupthy, N. Steunou, T. Azaïs, J-P. Jolivet et J. Livage, Novel phosphorus vanadium oxide nanotubes, Solid State Devices and Materials, 18-22 septembre 2004, Anvers, Belgique.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et R. Le Dred, Synthesis and Characterization of organoclays-Heavy metal retention, Euromat, 1-5 septembre 2003, Lausanne, Suisse.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé, B. Lebeau, F. Brand, and R. Le Dred, Direct functionalization of layered structures by sol-gel chemistry, Euroclay, 22-26 juin 2003, Modène, Italie.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et R. Le Dred, Synthesis and characterization of functionnalized clays and organoclays for heavy metal retention, Euroclay, 22-26 juin 2003, Modene, Italie.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et R. Le Dred, Synthèse, caractérisation et application de matériaux hybrides inorganiques-organiques lamellaires, Prix de la meilleure communication obtenu lors de la journée organisée par la section Mulhousienne de la Société Française de Chimie, 27 mars 2003, Mulhouse, France.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et R. Le Dred, Synthèse et caractérisation de matériaux hybrides lamellaires pour la rétention de cations de métaux lourds, Réunion du Groupe Français des Argiles, 14 novembre 2002, Paris, France.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et R. Le Dred, Contrôle de la balance hydrophile/hydrophobe de nouveaux organophyllosilicates, Réunion du Groupe Français des Argiles, 21 mars 2002, Orléans, France.
- M. Jaber, P. Caullet, J-L. Guth et D. Labarre, Mesoporous silicas for rubber reinforcement, Silica 2001, 1-3 Septembre, Mulhouse, France.
- Communications par affiche
- M.G. Fonseca, F. de A.R. Pereira, G.R.S. Cavalcanti, D.B. França, L.N.F. Queiroga, E.C. Silva Filho, I.M.G. Santos, Maguy Jaber, Chitosan Montmorillonite beads for anionic dye removal. Mid European Clay Conference (MECC 04-07) juillet 2016.
- M.G. Fonseca, M.C. Avelino, D.B. França, I.M.G. Santos, F. de A.R. Pereira, Maguy Jaber, Modified vermiculites and their sorption for ranitidine from aqueous solutions, Mid European Clay Conference (MECC 04-07) juillet 2016.
- David Guillermin et Maguy Jaber, Quand la cochenille rencontre l’argile : lumière sur une relation durable. Colloque annuelle du Groupe Français des Argiles, 18-21 mai 2016, Poitiers.
- T. Dequaire, L. Rouquette, O. Poch, F. Stalport, J.F. Lambert, T. Georgelin, M. Jaber, P. Coll, and C. Szopa. Effect of mineral matrixes on the chemical evolution of organic molecules under simulated Mars surface UV radiations conditions with the MOMIE experiment. European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), 2015, Nantes, France
- Maguy Jaber, Thomas Georgelin, Houssein Bazzi, Jean-François Lambert, Polymerization and Selectivity polymerization of amino acids (arginin, glutamic acid and alanin) to the zeolite (silicalite). Origin 2014, Nara, Japon
- M. Akouche, M. Jaber, M-C. Maurel, T. Georgelin, J-F. Lambert, Adsorption and reactivity of inorganic phosphates and D-ribose adsorbed on mineral surfaces. French association of adsorption science, 2014, Paris, France.
- O. Poch, C. Szopa, P. Coll, M. Jaber, T. Georgelin,Thomas, J.-F. Lambert, F. Stalport, Search for clues of life or habitability at Mars: laboratory simulation of the evolution of organic molecules at the surface of Mars. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. 2014, Moscou, Russie.
- M. Akouche, M. Jaber, M-C. Maurel, T. Georgelin, J-F. Lambert, Conditions of emergence of life Adsorption and reactivity of inorganic phosphates and D-ribose adsorbed on mineral surfaces, International congress of Formation of planetary and stellar systems, 2014, Paris, France
- P. Francois, P. Coll, C. Szopa, T. Georgelin, A. Buch, C. Freissinet, I. Belmahdi, A. McAdam, J. Eigenbrode, D. Glavin, S. Kashyap, A. R. Navarro-Gonzalez, P. Mahaffy, M. Cabane, Possible Origin of Chlorobenzene Detected by SAM Instrument at Gale Crater, Mars: Synergy of Iron Oxides and Perchlorate and Consequences for Organic Matter Analysis. Eighth International Conference on Mars, 2014, Pasadena, Etats Unis.
- 10.Khaled El Adraa, Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin, Frederik Tielens et Maguy Jaber, Composites montmorillonite – cystéine pour la complexation de cations de métaux lourds, 1st workshop on Modelling oxide-water interfaces, 09-10 décembre, 2013, Paris, France.
- 11.K. Benzerara, F. Skouri-Panet, M. Ragon, N. Cam, J. Li, C. Ferard, J-F. Lambert, T. Georgelin, M. Jaber, D. Moreira, P. Lopez-Garcia, C. Julie, Intracellular Calcification by Cyanobacteria: A Significant Controlled Biomineralization Process, Goldshmit 2013, 25-30 Août, Florence, Italie.
- T. Georgelin, M. Jaber, J-F. Lambert Adsorption of D-Ribose and Inorganic Phosphate on Clay Minerals – Molecular Stabilization and Phosphate Condensation, Août Goldshmit 2013, 25-30 Aout 2013, Florence, Italie.
- Olivier Poch, Audrey Noblet, Sofiane Kaci, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin, Cyril Szopa et Patrice Coll, Simulation en laboratoire des processus d’évolution de la matière organique à la surface de Mars, SFE, 12-13 Novembre 2012, Fréjus, France.
- Meryem Bouchoucha, Maguy Jaber et Jean-François Lambert, Adsorption et réactivité des biomolécules en présence de nanomatériaux inorganiques, Conférence Nanoquebec 2012, 20-21 Mars 2012, Montréal, Canada.
- Houssein Bazzi, Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, France Costa-Torro, et Jean-François Lambert, Acides aminés sur oxydes minéraux : Mécanismes d’adsorption, Sélectivité et réactivité thermique. Association Française d’Adsorption « AFA », février 2011, France.
- M. Jaber, V. Timon, F. Tielens and J-F. Lambert, L-DOPA/Saponite composite : experimental and computational chemistry, GFA 2011, 10-13 mai 2011, Paris, France.
- Laurent Bippus, Bénédicte Lebeau, Maguy Jaber, Philippe Guillemet and Yves Scudeller-Congrès 2009 de la Société Française de Thermique, Conductivité thermique de particules de silice mésoporeuse : influence des traitements post-synthèse, 26-29 mai 2009, Vannes, France.
- J-C. Gallégo, M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé, et C. Marichal, Hybrides inorganiques-organiques: Synthèse et elaboration de nanocomposites, GFA 2007, 18-19 avril, Mulhouse, France.
- L. Itani, M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé et F. Jaber, Synthèse de saponite par micro-ondes GFA 2007, 18-19 avril, Mulhouse, France.
- L. Bippus, M. Jaber et B. Lebeau, Partially delaminated laponite® particles processed as spheres, AIZ workshop 2006, Italie.
- M. Jaber et J. Miehé-Brendlé, Synthèse de benzylphosphonates de zinc par voie sol-gel. Réunion du Groupe Français des Argiles, 18-19 mai 2005, Paris, France.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé and R. Le Dred, Fonctionnalisation de saponite en milieu fluoré et acide et synthèse d’argile organique pour la complexation de cations de métaux lourds, Réunion du Groupe Français des Argiles, 03 avril 2003, Orléans, France.
- C. Da Silva, G. François, A. Vidal, B. Haïdar, J. Miehé-Brendlé, M. Jaber et R. Le Dred, Préparation d’élastomères renforcés par des argiles, Réunion du Groupe Français des Argiles, 21 mars 2002, Orléans, France.
- M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé and R. Le Dred, Synthesis and characterisation of organophyllosilicates containing both Si, Al and Mg, 2002 MRS, 1-4 Avril 2002, San Francisco, USA.
- Nom : Maguy Jaber
- IdHAL : maguy-jaber
- IdRef : 076050092 ,
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7772-1023 ,
- VIAF : 194927362 ,
- ISNI : 0000000139165759 ,
- Chimie55
- Chimie/Matériaux51
- Chimie/Catalyse9
- Chimie/Chimie théorique et/ou physique8
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Planétologie et astrophysique de la terre [astro-ph.EP]8
- Physique [physics]7
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre/Minéralogie5
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]4
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]3
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Interfaces continentales, environnement3
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre/Géochimie3
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Sciences de la Terre3
- Chimie/Chimie inorganique2
- Chimie/Chimie organique2
- Physique [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]2
- Physique [physics]/Matière Condensée [cond-mat]/Science des matériaux [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]2
- Physique [physics]/Physique [physics]/Physique Atmosphérique et Océanique [physics.ao-ph]2
- Physique [physics]/Physique [physics]/Géophysique [physics.geo-ph]2
- Sciences de l'environnement/Ingénierie de l'environnement2
- Sciences de l'environnement/Milieux et Changements globaux2
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Astrophysique stellaire et solaire [astro-ph.SR]2
- Planète et Univers [physics]2
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire/Biochimie [q-bio.BM]2
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biochimie, Biologie Moléculaire2
- Chimie/Autre1
- Chimie/Polymères1
- Physique [physics]/Mécanique [physics]/Mécanique des fluides [physics.class-ph]1
- Physique [physics]/Physique [physics]/Chimie-Physique [physics.chem-ph]1
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Astrophysique [astro-ph]/Instrumentation et méthodes pour l'astrophysique [astro-ph.IM]1
- Planète et Univers [physics]/Océan, Atmosphère1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Biologie cellulaire1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Neurosciences [q-bio.NC]/Neurobiologie1
- Sciences du Vivant [q-bio]/Neurosciences [q-bio.NC]1
- Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Art et histoire de l'art1
- Sciences de l'Homme et Société1
- Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]/Matériaux1
- Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]/Mécanique [physics.med-ph]/Mécanique des fluides [physics.class-ph]1
- Sciences de l'ingénieur [physics]/Micro et nanotechnologies/Microélectronique1
- Jaber Maguy130
- Georgelin Thomas27
- Jaber M.24
- Lambert Jean-François20
- Rigaud Baptiste15
- Zhuang Guanzheng14
- Janot Jean-Marc11
- Coll Patrice10
- Walter Philippe10
- Szopa Cyril10
- de Viguerie Laurence10
- Valtchev Valentin9
- Balme Sébastien8
- Zhang Zepeng7
- Berraud-Pache Romain7
- Fonseca Maria Gardennia6
- Poch Olivier6
- Gaslain Fabrice6
- Bernard Sylvain6
- Fonseca Maria G5
- Stalport Fabien5
- Trigueiro Pollyana5
- Miehé-Brendlé Jocelyne5
- Jacquemot Pierre5
- Balme Sebastien5
- Tielens Frederik5
- Costa-Torro France4
- Fanost Agathe4
- Le Deit H.4
- Marichal Claire4
- Rodrigues Francisco4
- Brendle Jocelyne4
- Le Guillou Corentin4
- Mériguet Guillaume4
- Lambert Jean-Francois4
- Lambert Jean-François4
- Akouche Mariame3
- Bazzi Houssein3
- Bippus Laurent3
- Bouchoucha Meryem3
- Cavalcanti Graycyelle R.S.3
- Dejardin Philippe3
- Demais Hervé3
- Gallego Jean-Christophe3
- Gao Jiahua3
- Gardennia Fonseca Maria3
- Guillermin David3
- Jacquemot P.3
- Krafft Jean-Marc3
- Lambert Jean-Francois3
- Li Qiang3
- Livage Jacques3
- Peng Shanmao3
- Souprayen Christelle3
- Miehe-Brendle Jocelyne3
- Lauron-Pernot Hélène3
- Tran Linh3
- Cam Nithavong3
- Lepoitevin Mathilde3
- Mintova Svetlana3
- Rollet Anne-Laure3
- Guégan Régis3
- Lebeau Bénédicte3
- Steunou Nathalie3
- Michot Laurent3
- Viennet J.-C.3
- Viennet Jean‐christophe3
- Benzerara Karim3
- .Laza Anca-Lucia2
- Balan E.2
- Bejar Amal2
- Ben Chaabene Semy2
- Bergaoui Latifa2
- Botta Lorenzo2
- Brandão Lima Luciano Clécio2
- Chantelle Laís2
- Cordier Laure2
- Delbes L.2
- Delbes Ludovic2
- Delmotte L.2
- Demais H.2
- Deroche-Gamonet V.2
- Dimitrov L.2
- Fonseca M.G.2
- Fonseca Maria G.2
- Fournier Frederic2
- França D.B.2
- Gallego J.-C.2
- Georgelin T.2
- Glanville Helen2
- Izawa R.2
- Kellendonk C.2
- Krasavin Eugene2
- Lasne Jérôme2
- Le Guillou C.2
- Levitz Pierre E2
- Livage J.2
- Maquet Jocelyne2
- Mavrodinova V.2
- Morlet-Savary Fabrice2
- Méthivier Christophe2
- Nihtianova D.2
- Onfroy Thomas2
- Pasco Hélène2
- Pedetti Silvia2
- Pereira Francisco A.R.2
- Pereira M.B.B.2
- Piovan J.2
- Rigaud B.2
- Rouquette Laura2
- Sakhno Yuriy2
- Saladino Raffaele2
- Sierra Ligia2
- Sillaber I.2
- Silva Filho Edson2
- Silva Gomes Elisa2
- Silva-Filho Edson Cavalcanti2
- Steunou N.2
- Timperio Anna Maria2
- Viennet Jean-Christophe2
- da Silva Filho Edson2
- de Castro Silva Fabrícia2
- Miehe-Brendle J.2
- Miehé-Brendlé J.2
- Rapin William2
- Meslin Pierre-Yves2
- Jaber M2
- Jabert Maguy2
- Rodrigues Francisco2
- Laugel Guillaume2
- Millot Yannick2
- Azais T.2
- Stievano Lorenzo2
- Durupthy Olivier2
- Gasnault Olivier2
- Sanchez Clément2
- Bechelany Mikhael2
- Motelica-Heino Mikael2
- Jaber F.2
- Maurel Marie-Christine2
- Bernard S.2
- Tronche F.2
- Gougeon Régis2
- Cousin Agnès2
- Beck Pierre2
- Ersen Ovidiu2
- Korb Jean-Pierre2
- Rozanov Alexei2
- Šponer Jiří2
- Maurice Sylvestre2
- Dequaire Tristan2
- Al-Rabaa Abdel-Rahman1
- Aponte J C1
- Applin Daniel1
- Araújo Rafael1
- Babe W.1
- Baiyi Xue1
- Balard H.1
- Battistella Alice1
- Ben Haj Amara Abdesslem1
- Benoit-Marand M.1
- Bernal Claudia1
- Bernard Sylvain1
- Biczysko Malgorzata1
- Binet Laurent1
- Bizzarri Bruno1
- Bizzarri Bruno M.1
- Bolbach Gérard1
- Bouaziz Zaineb1
- Bourrat Xavier1
- Bozhilov K1
- Bozhilov Krassimir1
- Brito Deoclecio F1
- Brucato John1
- Buch Arnaud1
- Bussiere Jules1
- Casale Sandra1
- Castro-Silva Fabrícia1
- Cavalcanti Graycyelle R S1
- Cavalcanti Graycyellê R. S.1
- Cavalcanti Graycyellê R.S.1
- Cavalcanti Silva Filho Edson1
- Cavalcanti da Silva Filho Edson1
- Chagoya-Garzon A.1
- Chandrappa G.1
- Chandrappa G.T.1
- Chaouche-Mechidal Naïla1
- Chaput Didier1
- Clodic Gilles1
- Cloutis E.1
- Coelho‐diogo Cristina1
- Corazzi Maria Angela1
- Costatorro France1
- Criouet I.1
- Dass Avinash Vicholous1
- Debroise Theau1
- Delmotte Luc1
- Dequaire T.1
- Dequaire Tristan1
- Deroy Géraldine1
Auteurs de la structure
Année de production
Équipes de recherche
Articles dans une revue111 document
- Qiang Li, Laurence de Viguerie, Lucie Laporte, Romain Berraud-Pache, Guanzheng Zhuang, et al.. Oily bioorganoclays in drilling fluids: Micro and macroscopic properties. Applied Clay Science, 2024, 247, pp.107186. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2023.107186⟩. ⟨hal-04443274⟩
- Thanh Huyen Linh Tran, Baptiste Rigaud, Maguy Jaber, Romain Berraud-Pache. Rapid and Complete Prediction of Alizarin in Solution by Combining Experimental Data with Computational Methods. Dyes and Pigments, In press, ⟨10.1016/j.dyepig.2024.112242⟩. ⟨hal-04586447⟩
- Qiang Li, Romain Berraud-Pache, Christelle Souprayen, Maguy Jaber. Intercalation of lecithin into bentonite: pH dependence and intercalation mechanism. Applied Clay Science, 2023, 244, pp.107079. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2023.107079⟩. ⟨hal-04208271⟩
- Qiang Li, Romain Berraud-Pache, Yongjie Yang, Christelle Souprayen, Maguy Jaber. Biocomposites based on bentonite and lecithin: An experimental approach supported by molecular dynamics. Applied Clay Science, 2023, 231, pp.106751. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2022.106751⟩. ⟨hal-03945076⟩
- Roger-Charles Tissier, Baptiste Rigaud, Pierre Thureau, Miquel Huix-Rotllant, Maguy Jaber, et al.. Stressing the differences in alizarin and purpurin dyes through UV-visible light absorption and 1 H-NMR spectroscopies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24 (32), pp.19452-19462. ⟨10.1039/D2CP00520D⟩. ⟨hal-03817910⟩
- Francisco Rodrigues, Thomas Georgelin, Baptiste Rigaud, Guanzheng Zhuang, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, et al.. Deadlocks of adenine ribonucleotide synthesis: evaluation of adsorption and condensation reactions in a zeolite micropore space. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9 (16), pp.4111-4120. ⟨10.1039/D2QI00837H⟩. ⟨hal-04187959⟩
- Graycyellê R. S. Cavalcanti, Christelle Souprayen, David Guillermin, Francisco Rodrigues, Maria G Fonseca, et al.. Designing photochromic pigments based on clay minerals and spiropyran. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 204, pp.110358. ⟨10.1016/j.dyepig.2022.110358⟩. ⟨hal-03706632⟩
- Cleibson Oliveira, André Luiz Menezes de Oliveira, Laís Chantelle, Graycyelle R.S. Cavalcanti, Richard Landers, et al.. Functionalization of the hydroxyapatite surface with ZnO for alizarin immobilization. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 593, pp.153412. ⟨10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.153412⟩. ⟨hal-03989996⟩
- D.B. França, L.S. Oliveira, F.G. Nunes Filho, E.C. Silva Filho, J.A. Osajima, et al.. The versatility of montmorillonite in water remediation using adsorption: Current studies and challenges in drug removal. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10 (2), pp.107341. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2022.107341⟩. ⟨hal-03989965⟩
- Agathe Fanost, Laurence de Viguerie, Guylaine Ducouret, Guillaume Mériguet, Philippe Walter, et al.. Connecting Rheological Properties and Molecular Dynamics of Egg‐Tempera Paints based on Egg Yolk. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, ⟨10.1002/anie.202112108⟩. ⟨hal-03450977⟩
- Hélène Pasco, Laurence de Viguerie, Marco Faustini, Cristina Coelho‐diogo, Ovidiu Ersen, et al.. Shedding light on functional hybrid nanocomposites 19th century paint medium. Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32 (4), pp.2106346. ⟨10.1002/adfm.202106346⟩. ⟨cea-03343140⟩
- Luís de Oliveira, Pollyana Trigueiro, Baptiste Rigaud, Edson da Silva-Filho, Josy Osajima, et al.. When RNA meets montmorillonite: Influence of the pH and divalent cations. Applied Clay Science, 2021, 214, pp.106234. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2021.106234⟩. ⟨hal-03990019⟩
- Graycyellê R.S. Cavalcanti, Francisco Rodrigues, Guanzheng Zhuang, Sebastien Balme, Jean-Marc Janot, et al.. Inorganic-organic hybrid pigments based on carminic acid and clay minerals. Dyes and Pigments, 2021, 190, pp.109306. ⟨10.1016/j.dyepig.2021.109306⟩. ⟨hal-03236376⟩
- Cleibson Oliveira de Lima, André Marcorin de Oliveira, Edson Silva Filho, Laís Chantelle, Maguy Jaber, et al.. Zn-doped mesoporous hydroxyapatites and their antimicrobial properties. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 198, pp.111471. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfb.2020.111471⟩. ⟨hal-03142097⟩
- I. Criouet, J.-C. Viennet, P. Jacquemot, M. Jaber, Sylvain Bernard. Abiotic formation of organic biomorphs under diagenetic conditions. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2021, 16, pp.40 - 46. ⟨10.7185/geochemlet.2102⟩. ⟨hal-03182092⟩
- Agathe Fanost, Maguy Jaber, Laurence de Viguerie, Jean-Pierre Korb, Pierre E Levitz, et al.. Green earth pigments dispersions: Water dynamics at the interfaces. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 581 (Pt B), pp.644-655. ⟨10.1016/j.jcis.2020.07.085⟩. ⟨hal-03079935⟩
- Teresa Fornaro, John Brucato, Giovanni Poggiali, Maria Angela Corazzi, Malgorzata Biczysko, et al.. UV Irradiation and Near Infrared Characterization of Laboratory Mars Soil Analog Samples. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 2020, 7, ⟨10.3389/fspas.2020.539289⟩. ⟨hal-03990033⟩
- Agathe Fanost, Maguy Jaber, Laurence de Viguerie, Jean-Pierre Korb, Pierre E Levitz, et al.. Green Earth pigments aqueous dispersions: NMR relaxation rates dataset. Data in Brief, 2020, 32, pp.106270. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2020.106270⟩. ⟨hal-03095879⟩
- M.B.B. Pereira, L.M.C. Honório, C.G. Lima-Júnior, E.C. Silva Filho, Fabrice Gaslain, et al.. Modulating the structure of organofunctionalized hydroxyapatite/tripolyphosphate/chitosan spheres for dye removal. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020, 8 (4), pp.103980. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2020.103980⟩. ⟨hal-03864751⟩
- V Vinogradoff, L Remusat, H L Mclain, J C Aponte, S Bernard, et al.. Impact of Phyllosilicates on Amino Acid Formation under Asteroidal Conditions. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2020, ⟨10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00137⟩. ⟨hal-03021312⟩
- Cyrielle Messager, Lucile Beck, Laurence de Viguerie, Maguy Jaber. Thermal analysis of carbonate pigments and linseed oil to optimize CO2 extraction for radiocarbon dating of lead white paintings. Microchemical Journal, 2020, 154, pp.104637. ⟨10.1016/j.microc.2020.104637⟩. ⟨hal-02969265⟩
- M.B.B. Pereira, D.B. França, Rafael Araújo, Edson Silva Filho, Baptiste Rigaud, et al.. Amino hydroxyapatite/chitosan hybrids reticulated with glutaraldehyde at different pH values and their use for diclofenac removal. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 236, pp.116036. ⟨10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.116036⟩. ⟨hal-02887506⟩
- J.-C. Viennet, Sylvain Bernard, C. Le Guillou, P. Jacquemot, L. Delbes, et al.. Influence of the nature of the gas phase on the degradation of RNA during fossilization processes. Applied Clay Science, 2020, 191, pp.105616. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2020.105616⟩. ⟨hal-03370552⟩
- Mathilde Poirier, Yannick Millot, Elisa Silva Gomes, Maguy Jaber, Virginie Herledan, et al.. Complementarity of Density Functional Theory and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Tools To Probe the Nano-Layered Silicates Surface Chemistry and Morphology. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124 (1), pp.267-286. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b05903⟩. ⟨hal-02457727⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Silvia Pedetti, Yoan Bourlier, Philippe Jonnard, Christophe Méthivier, et al.. New Insights into the Structure and Degradation of Alizarin Lake Pigments: Input of the Surface Study Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124 (23), pp.12370-12380. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c00746⟩. ⟨hal-02887434⟩
- Luciano C.B. Lima, Fabrícia C Silva, Edson C Silva-Filho, Maria G Fonseca, Guanzheng Zhuang, et al.. Saponite-anthocyanin derivatives: The role of organoclays in pigment photostability. Applied Clay Science, 2020, 191, pp.105604. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2020.105604⟩. ⟨hal-02887368⟩
- Fabrícia de Castro Silva, Luciano Clécio Brandão Lima, Edson Silva-Filho, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Jean-François Lambert, et al.. A comparative study of alanine adsorption and condensation to peptides in two clay minerals. Applied Clay Science, 2020, 192, pp.105617. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2020.105617⟩. ⟨hal-02887409⟩
- Luciano Clécio Brandão Lima, Fabrícia Castro-Silva, Edson Cavalcanti Silva-Filho, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Maguy Jaber. Saponite-anthocyanin pigments: Slipping between the sheets. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2020, 300, pp.110148. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2020.110148⟩. ⟨hal-02887318⟩
- Agathe Fanost, Alice Gimat, Laurence de Viguerie, Pauline Martinetto, Anne-Claire Giot, et al.. Revisiting the identification of commercial and historical green earth pigments. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 584, pp.124035. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124035⟩. ⟨hal-02315592⟩
- Fabrícia de Castro Silva, Luciano Clécio Brandão Lima, Edson Cavalcanti Silva-Filho, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Maguy Jaber. Through alizarin-hectorite pigments: Influence of organofunctionalization on fading. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 587, pp.124323. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124323⟩. ⟨hal-02451017⟩
- Pierre Jacquemot, Jean-Christophe Viennet, Sylvain Bernard, Corentin Le Guillou, Baptiste Rigaud, et al.. The degradation of organic compounds impacts the crystallization of clay minerals and vice versa. Scientific Reports, 2019, ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-56756-6⟩. ⟨hal-03021191⟩
- Pierre Jacquemot, Jean-Christophe Viennet, Sylvain Bernard, Corentin Le Guillou, Baptiste Rigaud, et al.. The degradation of organic compounds impacts the crystallization of clay minerals and vice versa. Scientific Reports, 2019, Scientific Reports, 9 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-56756-6⟩. ⟨hal-02436538⟩
- Raffaele Saladino, Bruno Bizzarri, Lorenzo Botta, Jiří Šponer, Judit Šponer, et al.. Author Correction: Proton irradiation: a key to the challenge of N-glycosidic bond formation in a prebiotic context. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), pp.4649. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-40290-6⟩. ⟨hal-02543419⟩
- J.-C. Viennet, S. Bernard, Corentin Le Guillou, P. Jacquemot, E. Balan, et al.. Experimental clues for detecting biosignatures on Mars. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2019, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 12, pp.28-33. ⟨10.7185/geochemlet.1931⟩. ⟨hal-02415460⟩
- Longfei Lin, Elisa Silva Gomes, François Payan, Maguy Jaber, Jean-Marc Krafft, et al.. How the acido-basic properties of Mg silicates and clays govern the catalytic mechanism of transesterification reactions. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, 9 (21), pp.6072-6084. ⟨10.1039/C9CY01475F⟩. ⟨hal-03990037⟩
- V. Vinogradoff, C. Le Guillou, S. Bernard, J.C. C Viennet, M. Jaber, et al.. Influence of phyllosilicates on the hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in asteroids: Experimental perspectives. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019, ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2019.10.029⟩. ⟨hal-02341302⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Zepeng Zhang, Maguy Jaber. Organoclays used as colloidal and rheological additives in oil-based drilling fluids: An overview. Applied Clay Science, 2019, 177, pp.63-81. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2019.05.006⟩. ⟨hal-02374643⟩
- Francisco Rodrigues, Thomas Georgelin, Guillaume Gabant, Baptiste Rigaud, Fabrice Gaslain, et al.. Confinement and Time Immemorial: Prebiotic Synthesis of Nucleotides on a Porous Mineral Nanoreactor. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10 (15), pp.4192-4196. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01448⟩. ⟨hal-02308428⟩
- Fabien Stalport, Laura Rouquette, Olivier Poch, Tristan Dequaire, Naïla Chaouche-Mechidal, et al.. The Photochemistry on Space Station (PSS) Experiment: Organic Matter under Mars-like Surface UV Radiation Conditions in Low Earth Orbit. Astrobiology, 2019, 19 (8), pp.1037-1052. ⟨10.1089/ast.2018.2001⟩. ⟨insu-02196150⟩
- Graycyelle R.S. Cavalcanti, Maria G. Fonseca, Edson da Silva Filho, Maguy Jaber. Thiabendazole/bentonites hybrids as controlled release systems. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019, 176, pp.249-255. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.12.030⟩. ⟨hal-02169301⟩
- Yuriy Sakhno, Alice Battistella, Alberto Mezzetti, Maguy Jaber, Thomas Georgelin, et al.. One Step up the Ladder of Prebiotic Complexity: Formation of Nonrandom Linear Polypeptides from Binary Systems of Amino Acids on Silica. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2019, 25 (5), pp.1275-1285. ⟨10.1002/chem.201803845⟩. ⟨hal-02067461⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Maguy Jaber, Francisco Rodrigues, Baptiste Rigaud, Philippe Walter, et al.. A new durable pigment with hydrophobic surface based on natural nanotubes and indigo: Interactions and stability. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 552, pp.204-217. ⟨10.1016/j.jcis.2019.04.072⟩. ⟨hal-02167735⟩
- D. B. França, Pollyana Trigueiro, E.C. Silva Filho, M. G. Fonseca, M. Jaber. Monitoring diclofenac adsorption by organophilic alkylpyridinium bentonites. Chemosphere, 2019, 242, pp.125109. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.125109⟩. ⟨hal-02344483⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Francisco Rodrigues, Zepeng Zhang, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Philippe Walter, et al.. Dressing protective clothing: stabilizing alizarin/halloysite hybrid pigment and beyond. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 166, pp.32-41. ⟨10.1016/j.dyepig.2019.03.006⟩. ⟨hal-02168349⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Zepeng Zhang, Shanmao Peng, Jiahua Gao, Francisco Pereira, et al.. The Interaction between Surfactants and Montmorillonite and its Influence on the Properties of Organo-Montmorillonite in Oil-Based Drilling Fluids. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2019, 67 (3), pp.190-208. ⟨10.1007/s42860-019-00017-0⟩. ⟨hal-02308616⟩
- David Guillermin, Theau Debroise, Pollyana Trigueiro, Laurence de Viguerie, Baptiste Rigaud, et al.. New pigments based on carminic acid and smectites: A molecular investigation. Dyes and Pigments, 2019, 160, pp.971-982. ⟨10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.07.021⟩. ⟨hal-01957350⟩
- M. Jaber, W. Babe, E. Sauer, J. Gross, R. Lugo, et al.. An improved group contribution method for PC-SAFT applied to branched alkanes: Data analysis and parameterization. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2018, 473, pp.183 - 191. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2018.06.014⟩. ⟨hal-01905718⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Zepeng Zhang, Shanmao Peng, Jiahua Gao, Maguy Jaber. Enhancing the rheological properties and thermal stability of 1 oil-based drilling fluids by synergetic use of organo-montmorillonite and organo-sepiolite. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 8220 (Septembre 2018), pp.505-512. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2018.05.018⟩. ⟨hal-01957994⟩
- Zaineb Bouaziz, Laurence Soussan, Jean-Marc Janot, Maguy Jaber, Abdesslem Ben Haj Amara, et al.. Dual role of layered double hydroxide nanocomposites on antibacterial activity and degradation of tetracycline and oxytetracyline. Chemosphere, 2018, 206, pp.175 - 183. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.05.003⟩. ⟨hal-01833439⟩
- Pollyana Trigueiro, Silvia Pedetti, Baptiste Rigaud, Sebastien Balme, Jean-Marc Janot, et al.. Going through the wine fining: Intimate dialogue between organics and clays. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018, 166, pp.79 - 88. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.02.060⟩. ⟨hal-01744266⟩
- Pollyana Trigueiro, Francisco A.R. Pereira, David Guillermin, Baptiste Rigaud, Sébastien Balme, et al.. When anthraquinone dyes meet pillared montmorillonite: Stability or fading upon exposure to light?. Dyes and Pigments, 2018, 159, pp.384-394. ⟨10.1016/j.dyepig.2018.06.046⟩. ⟨hal-01871692⟩
- Avinash Vicholous Dass, Maguy Jaber, André Brack, Frédéric Foucher, Terence P Kee, et al.. Potential Role of Inorganic Confined Environments in Prebiotic Phosphorylation. Life, 2018, 8 (1), pp.7. ⟨10.3390/life8010007⟩. ⟨hal-01733453⟩
- Deoclecio F Brito, Edson da Silva Filho, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Maguy Jaber. Organophilic bentonites obtained by microwave heating as adsorbents for anionic dyes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2018, 6 (6), pp.7080-7090. ⟨10.1016/j.jece.2018.11.006⟩. ⟨hal-01953608⟩
- Nithavong Cam, Karim Benzerara, Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, et al.. Cyanobacterial formation of intracellular Ca-carbonates in undersaturated solutions. Geobiology, 2018, 16 (1), pp.49-61. ⟨10.1111/gbi.12261⟩. ⟨hal-01655173⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Zepeng Zhang, Maguy Jaber, Jiahua Gao, Shanmao Peng. Comparative study on the structures and properties of organo-montmorillonite and organo-palygorskite in oil-based drilling fluids. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2017, 56, pp.248-257. ⟨10.1016/j.jiec.2017.07.017⟩. ⟨hal-03990082⟩
- Raffaele Saladino, Bruno M. Bizzarri, Lorenzo Botta, Jiří Šponer, Judit E. Šponer, et al.. Proton irradiation: a key to the challenge of N-glycosidic bond formation in a prebiotic context. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-017-15392-8⟩. ⟨hal-01651973⟩
- Vidhyadevy Tangaraj, Jean-Marc Janot, Maguy Jaber, Mikhael Bechelany, Sebastien Balme. Adsorption and photophysical properties of fluorescent dyes over montmorillonite and saponite modified by surfactant. Chemosphere, 2017, 184, pp.1355-1361. ⟨10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.06.126⟩. ⟨hal-01552808⟩
- Oberto Grangeiro da Silva, Marco Alves, Ieda Maria Garcia dos Santos, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Maguy Jaber. Mesoporous calcium phosphate using casein as a template: Application to bovine serum albumin sorption. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 158 (Octobre 2017), pp.480-487. ⟨hal-01958215⟩
- Francisco a R Pereira, Graycyelle R S Cavalcanti, Líbia N F Queiroga, Ieda M G Santos, Francisco A.R. Pereira, et al.. Green biosorbents based on chitosan-montmorillonite beads for anionic dye removal. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2017, 5 (4), pp.3309-3318. ⟨hal-01955865⟩
- Mariame Akouche, Maguy Jaber, Marie-Christine Maurel, Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin. Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate: A Molecular Vestige of the Origin of Life on Minerals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56 (27), pp.7920 - 7923. ⟨10.1002/anie.201702633⟩. ⟨hal-01652008⟩
- Thomas Georgelin, Mariame Akouche, Maguy Jaber, Yuriy Sakhno, Lucrece Matheron, et al.. Iron(III) Oxide Nanoparticles as Catalysts for the Formation of Linear Glycine Peptides. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 2017 (1), pp.198 - 211. ⟨10.1002/ejic.201601296⟩. ⟨hal-01547148⟩
- Tristan Dequaire, Pierre-Yves Meslin, Pierre Beck, M. Jaber, Agnès Cousin, et al.. Analysis of carbon and nitrogen signatures with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; the quest for organics under Mars-like conditions. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2017, 131, pp.8-17. ⟨10.1016/j.sab.2017.02.015⟩. ⟨insu-01480646⟩
- Damien Cornu, Longfei Lin, Maya Mounir Daou, Maguy Jaber, Jean-Marc Krafft, et al.. Influence of acid–base properties of Mg-based catalysts on transesterification: role of magnesium silicate hydrate formation. Catalysis science and Technology, 2017, 7 (8), pp.1701-1712. ⟨10.1039/C6CY02604D⟩. ⟨hal-01547299⟩
- Khaled El Adraa, Thomas Georgelin, Jean-François Lambert, Farouk Jaber, Frederik Tielens, et al.. Cysteine-montmorillonite composites for heavy metal cation complexation: A combined experimental and theoretical study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 314, pp.406 - 417. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2016.11.160⟩. ⟨hal-01490419⟩
- Laurence de Viguerie, Maguy Jaber, Hélène Pasco, Jacques Lalevée, Fabrice Morlet-Savary, et al.. A 19th Century “Ideal” Oil Paint Medium: A Complex Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Gel. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56 (6), pp.1619-1623 ⟨10.1002/anie.201611136⟩. ⟨hal-01437560⟩
- Zhengxing Qin, Georgian Melinte, Jean-Pierre Gilson, Maguy Jaber, Krassimir Bozhilov, et al.. The Mosaic Structure of Zeolite Crystals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016, 55 (48), pp.15049-15052. ⟨10.1002/anie.201608417⟩. ⟨hal-02410439⟩
- Mariame Akouche, Maguy Jaber, Emilie-Laure Zins, Marie-Christine Maurel, Jean-Francois Lambert, et al.. Thermal Behavior of d -Ribose Adsorbed on Silica: Effect of Inorganic Salt Coadsorption and Significance for Prebiotic Chemistry. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016, 22 (44), pp.15834 - 15846. ⟨10.1002/chem.201601418⟩. ⟨hal-01564220⟩
- Nithavong Cam, Karim Benzerara, Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Jean-Francois Lambert, et al.. Selective uptake of alkaline earth metals by cyanobacteria forming intracellular carbonates. Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 50 (21), pp.11654-11662. ⟨10.1021/acs.est.6b02872⟩. ⟨hal-01383264⟩
- Frédéric Fournier, Laurence de Viguerie, Sébastien Balme, Jean-Marc Janot, Philippe Walter, et al.. Physico-chemical characterization of lake pigments based on montmorillonite and carminic acid. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 130, pp.12 - 17. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2016.01.046⟩. ⟨hal-01678001⟩
- Vidhyadevi Thangaraj, Jules Bussiere, Jean-Marc Janot, Mikhael Bechelany, Maguy Jaber, et al.. Fluorescence Quenching of Sulforhodamine Dye over Graphene Oxide and Boron Nitride Nanosheets. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 2016 (13-14), pp.2125 - 2130. ⟨10.1002/ejic.201501153⟩. ⟨hal-01680509⟩
- Amal Bejar, Semy Ben Chaabene, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Latifa Bergaoui. Al-Mn-silicate nanobubbles phase as an intermediate in zeolite formation. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 123, pp.202 - 209. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2016.01.025⟩. ⟨hal-01548120⟩
- Frederik Tielens, Christel Gervais, Géraldine Deroy, Maguy Jaber, Lorenzo Stievano, et al.. Characterization of Phosphate Species on Hydrated Anatase TiO2 Surfaces. Langmuir, 2016, 32 (4), pp.997-1008. ⟨10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03519⟩. ⟨hal-01269687⟩
- Nithavong Cam, Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Karim Benzerara. In vitro synthesis of amorphous Mg-, Ca-, Sr- and Ba-carbonates: what do we learn about intracellular calcification by cyanobacteria?. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2015, 161, pp.36-49. ⟨10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.003⟩. ⟨hal-01147190⟩
- Meryem Bouchoucha, Frederik Tielens, Fabrice Gaslain, France Costatorro, Sandra Casale, et al.. Melanin Polymerization Held in Check: A Composite of Dihydroxyphenylalanine with Zeolite Beta. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2015, 119 (16), pp.8736-8747. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b01194⟩. ⟨hal-02403166⟩
- Olivier Poch, Maguy Jaber, Fabien Stalport, Sophie Nowak, Thomas Georgelin, et al.. Effect of Nontronite Smectite Clay on the Chemical Evolution of Several Organic Molecules under Simulated Martian Surface Ultraviolet Radiation Conditions. Astrobiology, 2015, 15 (3), pp.221-237. ⟨10.1089/ast.2014.1230⟩. ⟨hal-01136822⟩
- Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Frederic Fournier, Guillaume Laurent, France Costa-Torro, et al.. Stabilization of ribofuranose by a mineral surface. Carbohydrate Research, 2015, 402, pp.241-244. ⟨10.1016/j.carres.2014.07.018⟩. ⟨hal-01275035⟩
- Svetlana Mintova, Maguy Jaber, Valentin Valtchev. Nanosized microporous crystals: emerging applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44 (20), pp.7207-7233. ⟨10.1039/C5CS00210A⟩. ⟨hal-03154304⟩
- Svetlana Mintova, Maguy Jaber, Valentin Valtchev. Nanosized microporous crystals: emerging applications. Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44 (20), pp.7207-7233. ⟨10.1039/c5cs00210a⟩. ⟨hal-02403134⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Thomas Georgelin, Houssein Bazzi, France Costa-Torro, Jean-François Lambert, et al.. Selectivities in Adsorption and Peptidic Condensation in the (Arginine and Glutamic Acid)/Montmorillonite Clay System. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 2014, 118 (44), pp.25447-25455. ⟨10.1021/jp507335e⟩. ⟨hal-01121644⟩
- Amal Bejar, Semy Ben Chaabene, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Latifa Bergaoui. Mn-analcime: Synthesis, characterization and application to cyclohexene oxidation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 196, pp.158-164. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.05.004⟩. ⟨hal-01121654⟩
- Michelle Menezes de Oliveira, Marcia Maria Fernandes, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, Edson Cavalcanti da Silva Filho, Antonio Gouveia de Souza, et al.. Direct grafting of ethylene sulfide onto silicic acid magadiite. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014, 196, pp.292-299. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2014.05.010⟩. ⟨hal-01018650⟩
- Ali Assifaoui, Lucie Huault, Cyrielle Maissiat, Chloé Roullier-Gall, Philippe Jeandet, et al.. Structural studies of adsorbed protein (betalactoglobulin) on natural clay (montmorillonite). RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (105), pp.61096-61103. ⟨10.1039/C4RA11607K⟩. ⟨hal-02358967⟩
- Mathilde Lepoitevin, Maguy Jaber, Régis Guégan, Jean-Marc Janot, Philippe Dejardin, et al.. BSA and lysozyme adsorption on homoionic montmorillonite: Influence of the interlayer cation. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 95, pp.396-402. ⟨10.1016/j.clay.2014.05.003⟩. ⟨insu-01017005⟩
- M. Jaber, M. Benoit-Marand, L. Prestoz, A. Gaillard. Cell transplantation in the damaged adult brain. Revue Neurologique, 2013, 169 (11), pp.838-843. ⟨10.1016/j.neurol.2013.07.026⟩. ⟨hal-02499933⟩
- Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Houssein Bazzi, Jean-François Lambert. Formation of Activated Biomolecules by Condensation on Mineral Surfaces – A Comparison of Peptide Bond Formation and Phosphate Condensation. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 2013, 43 (4-5), pp.429-43. ⟨10.1007/s11084-013-9345-2⟩. ⟨hal-01121640⟩
- Yu. Kalvachev, M. Jaber, V. Mavrodinova, L. Dimitrov, D. Nihtianova, et al.. Seeds-induced fluoride media synthesis of nanosized zeolite Beta crystals. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 177, pp.127-134. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2013.04.028⟩. ⟨hal-02403278⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Jolanda Spadavecchia, Houssein Bazzi, Thomas Georgelin, France Costa-Torro, et al.. Non-biological selectivity in amino acids polymerization on TiO2 nanoparticles. Amino Acids, 2013, 45, pp.403-406. ⟨10.1007/s00726-013-1516-y⟩. ⟨hal-00957907⟩
- Thomas Georgelin, Maguy Jaber, Thomas Onfroy, Aaron-Albert Hargrove, France Costa-Torro, et al.. Inorganic Phosphate and Nucleotides on Silica Surface: Condensation, Dismutation, and Phosphorylation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117, pp.12579-12590. ⟨10.1021/jp402437p⟩. ⟨hal-00918562⟩
- Cristiam F. Santa, Maguy Jaber, Jean L. Guth, Ligia Sierra. Synthesis of texturally biphasic mesoporous carbon-silica composites and carbons. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 173, pp.53-63. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2013.01.033⟩. ⟨hal-00836323⟩
- Yu Kalvachev, M. Jaber, V. Mavrodinova, L. Dimitrov, D. Nihtianova, et al.. Seeds-induced fluoride media synthesis of nanosized zeolite Beta crystals. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2013, 177 (DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2013.04.028), pp.127--134. ⟨hal-01840286⟩
- Sébastien Balme, Régis Guégan, Jean-Marc Janot, Maguy Jaber, Mathilde Lepoitevin, et al.. Structure, orientation and stability of lysozyme confined in layered materials. Soft Matter, 2013, 9 (11), ⟨10.1039/c3sm27880h⟩. ⟨hal-01676094⟩
- Jean-Francois Lambert, Maguy Jaber, Thomas Georgelin, Lorenzo Stievano. A comparative study of the catalysis of peptide bonds formation by oxide surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013, 15 (32), pp.13371-13380. ⟨10.1039/C3CP51282G⟩. ⟨hal-00924129⟩
- Sébastien Balme, Régis Guégan, Jean-Marc Janot, Maguy Jaber, Mathilde Lepoitevin, et al.. Structure, Orientation and Stability of Lysozyme Confined in layered Materials. The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, 9 (11), pp.3188-3196. ⟨10.1039/C3SM27880H⟩. ⟨insu-00779421v2⟩
- K. El Adraa, V. Timon, J.-F. Lambert, Abdel-Rahman Al-Rabaa, F. Jaber, et al.. Adsorption of l-DOPA Intercalated in Hydrated Na-Saponite Clay: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, pp.26414−26421. ⟨10.1021/jp3094148⟩. ⟨hal-00808607⟩
- Maguy Jaber, François Ribot, Laurent Binet, Valérie Briois, Sophie Cassaignon, et al.. Ex Situ X-ray Diffraction, X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure, Electron Spin Resonance, and Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Hydrothermal Crystallization of Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes: An Insight into the Mechanism of Formation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 117 (10), pp.5446-5452. ⟨10.1021/jp3091039⟩. ⟨hal-00836877⟩
- Claudia Bernal, Monica Mesa, Maguy Jaber, Jean-Louis Guth, Ligia Sierra. Contribution to the understanding of the formation mechanism of bimodal mesoporous MCM41-type silica with large defect cavities. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2011, 153, pp.217-226. ⟨10.1016/j.micromeso.2011.12.049⟩. ⟨hal-00688611⟩
- Meryem Bouchoucha, Maguy Jaber, Thomas Onfroy, Jean-François Lambert, Xue Baiyi. Glutamic Acid Adsorption and Transformations on Silica. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, pp.21813-21825. ⟨10.1021/jp206967b⟩. ⟨hal-00670087⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Meryem Bouchoucha, L. Delmotte, Christophe Méthivier, Jean-Marc Krafft, et al.. Fate of L-DOPA in the Presence of Inorganic Matrices: Vectorization or Composite Material Formation?. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, pp.19216-19225. ⟨10.1021/jp205050k⟩. ⟨hal-00670279⟩
- Vanessa Prevot, Claire Szczepaniak, Maguy Jaber. Aerosol-assisted self-assembly of hybrid Layered Double Hydroxide particles into spherical architectures. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2011, 356 (2), pp.566-572. ⟨10.1016/j.jcis.2011.01.051⟩. ⟨hal-00602949⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Jean-Francois Lambert. A New Nanocomposite: L-DOPA/Laponite. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2010, 1 (1), pp.85-88. ⟨10.1021/jz900020m⟩. ⟨hal-00604726⟩
- Ff Gao, M Jaber, K Bozhilov, A Vicente, Christian Fernandez, et al.. Framework Stabilization of Ge-Rich Zeolites via Postsynthesis Alumination. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131 (45), pp.16580-16586. ⟨10.1021/ja904458y⟩. ⟨hal-01711612⟩
- Hafida Hadjar, Boualem Hamdi, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Brendle, Z. Kessaïssia, et al.. Elaboration and characterisation of new mesoporous materials from diatomite and charcoal. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2008, 107 (---), pp.219-226. ⟨hal-00298032⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé. Synthesis, characterization and applications of 2:1 phyllosilicates and organophyllosilicates: Contribution of fluoride to study the octahedral sheet. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2008, 107 (1-2), pp.121-127. ⟨hal-00298505⟩
- Jean-Christophe Gallego, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Brendle, Claire Marichal. Synthesis of new lamellar inorganic-organic talc like hybrids. New Journal of Chemistry, 2008, 32 (---), pp.407-412. ⟨hal-00298545⟩
- A.-L. Laza, M. Jaber, J. Miehé-Brendlé, H. Le Deit, H. Demais, et al.. Green Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Characterisation. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2007, 7 (11), pp.1-7. ⟨hal-00161282⟩
- M. Jaber, O. Larlus, J. Miehé-Brendlé. Layered metal (II) and silico-phosphonates with ion exchange properties. Solid State Sciences, 2007, 9 (2), pp.144-148. ⟨hal-00161227⟩
- R. Izawa, M. Jaber, V. Deroche-Gamonet, I. Sillaber, C. Kellendonk, et al.. Gene expression regulation following behavioral sensitization to cocaine in transgenic mice lacking the glucocorticoid receptor in the brain.. Neuroscience, 2006, 137, pp.915-924. ⟨hal-00091819⟩
- R. Izawa, M. Jaber, V. Deroche-Gamonet, I. Sillaber, C. Kellendonk, et al.. Gene expression regulation following behavioral sensitization to cocaine in transgenic mice lacking the glucocorticoid receptor in the brain. Neuroscience, 2006, 137, pp.915-924. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.10.006⟩. ⟨hal-00077742⟩
- Olivier Durupthy, Maguy Jaber, Nathalie Steunou, Jocelyne Maquet, G. Chandrappa, et al.. Vanadium Oxide Foams: An Insight into the Structure of the Vanadium Oxide Walls. Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17 (25), pp.6395-6402. ⟨10.1021/cm051429y⟩. ⟨hal-02354079⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehe-Brendle, Laure Michelin, Luc Delmotte. Heavy metal retention by organoclays : synthesis, applications and retention mechanism. Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17 (/), pp.5275-5281. ⟨hal-00293123⟩
- Olivier Durupthy, Maguy Jaber, Nathalie Steunou, Jocelyne Maquet, G.T. Chandrappa, et al.. Vanadium oxide foams: an insight into the structure of the vanadium oxide walls. Chemistry of Materials, 2005, 17 (/), pp.6395-6402. ⟨hal-00293121⟩
Communications dans un congrès38 document
- Linh Tran, Romain Berraud-Pache, Maguy Jaber. Photodegradation of Hydroxyanthraquinones associated with mordants. Journée Théorie Modélisation et Simulation (JTMS) 2023, Oct 2023, Strasbourg, France. ⟨hal-04471938⟩
- Maguy Jaber. Code Crack of Pigment Diversity. 33rd European Cristallography Meeting, Aug 2022, Versailles, France. ⟨hal-03978266⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Guanzheng Zhuang, Yuan Peng. Maya Blue and spectroscopic studies. 4th Asian Clay Conference, Jun 2020, visio-conférence, France. ⟨hal-04027407⟩
- Maguy Jaber. Seminar : Time Immemorial: Origins of life and paints. Seminar : Université d’Aix-Marseille, Nov 2019, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-04027394⟩
- Maguy Jaber. Code crack of pigments stability. International Conference of Dyes and Pigments, Nov 2019, Séville, Spain. ⟨hal-04027414⟩
- Guanzheng Zhuang, Maguy Jaber, Zepeng Zhang. Inspiration from Maya blue: a new durable hybrid pigment with hydrophobicity based on natural tubular halloysite. Euroclay 2019, Aug 2019, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04027456⟩
- Pierre Jacquemot, Sylvain Bernard, Thomas Georgelin, Jean‐christophe Viennet, Maguy Jaber. Fossilisation expérimentale : interactions minéral-organique. Journée du DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux : Développements méthodologiques en taphonomie, DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux, Oct 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03969897⟩
- Jean‐christophe Viennet, Pierre Jacquemot, Sylvain Bernard, Maguy Jaber. Hydrothermalisme expérimental d'assemblages organo-minéralogiques. Journée du DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux : Développements méthodologiques en taphonomie, DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux, Oct 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03969906⟩
- Pierre Jacquemot, Jean‐christophe Viennet, Corentin Le Guillou, Anne-Marie Blanchenet, Maguy Jaber, et al.. Une nouvelle préparation d'échantillons pour les microscopies en transmission. Journée du DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux : Développements méthodologiques en taphonomie, DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux, Oct 2018, Paris, France. ⟨hal-03969565⟩
- Maguy Jaber. Dialog of minerals and organics in prebiotic chemistry. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, Jun 2018, Urbana, United States. ⟨hal-04027383⟩
- Maguy Jaber. Conspiration of minerals and organics in origins of life. Gordon Origin’s of life, Jan 2018, Galveston, United States. ⟨hal-04027382⟩
- Maguy Jaber. A primordial dialogue between the mineral and the biological worlds,. International Clay Conference, Aug 2017, Grenade, Spain. ⟨hal-04027458⟩
- Maguy Jaber. How paints were made by artists. International Clay Conference, Aug 2017, Grenade, Spain. ⟨hal-04027459⟩
- Maguy Jaber. How to connect Cultural Heritage to Origin’s of life. FEZA (Federation of European Zeolite Associations), Jul 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria. ⟨hal-04027460⟩
- Tristan Dequaire, Pierre-Yves Meslin, M. Jaber, William Rapin, Agnès Cousin, et al.. Search for Organic Matter at Mars with LIBS and Reflectance Complementary Measurements of the ChemCam Instrument Onboard the Curiosity Rover. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Mar 2016, The Woodlands, Texas, United States. pp.1364. ⟨insu-01279757⟩
- T. Dequaire, P-Y. Meslin, W. Rapin, M. Jaber, S. Maurice, et al.. Search for organic matter at Mars with combined measurements of the SAM and ChemCam instruments onboard the Curiosity rover. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Sep 2015, Nantes, France. pp.EPSC2015-214. ⟨insu-01213354⟩
- Olivier Poch, Cyril Szopa, Patrice Coll, Maguy Jaber, Thomas Georgelin, et al.. Laboratory simulation to support the search for organic molecules at the surface of Mars. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Aug 2014, Moscow, Russia. pp.Abstract B0.2-25-14. ⟨insu-01148653⟩
- Patrice Coll, Olivier Poch, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin, et al.. Search for clues of life or habitability at Mars: laboratory simulation of the evolution of organic molecules at the surface of Mars. Origins 2014 International Conference, Jul 2014, Nara, Japan. ⟨insu-01148594⟩
- Patrice Coll, Olivier Poch, Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Thomas Georgelin, et al.. Impact of nontronite on the evolution of organic molecules at the surface of Mars. 51st Annual Meeting of The Clay Minerals Society, May 2014, College Station, Texas, United States. ⟨insu-01148593⟩
- M. Jaber, A. Chagoya-Garzon, Frédéric Rousseau. From System Model Formalization Towards Correct and Efficient HW/SW Design. 8th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), UAE, March 26-28, Mar 2013, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. pp.85_90. ⟨hal-00841753⟩
- Jean-Christophe Gallego, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Brendle, Claire Marichal. Synthèse d'hybrides organiques-inorganiques de type talc par synthèse directe. Influence du groupement fonctionnalisant. Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale, Jun 2008, Mulhouse, France. ⟨hal-00298971⟩
- Laurent Bippus, Maguy Jaber, Bénédicte Lebeau. Elaboration de nanoparticules sphériques de laponite par atomisation. Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale, May 2008, Mulhouse, France. ⟨hal-00335738⟩
- Jean-Christophe Gallego, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Brendle, Claire Marichal. Nanocomposite polystyrène/hybride organique-inorganique à structure lamellaire de type talc.. Congrès INSA, "Charges lamellaires et nacomposites : où en est-on ?, Sep 2007, Lyon, France. ⟨hal-00185975⟩
- Maguy Jaber, J. Piovan, Valentin Valtchev. Nanoporous zinc-silicate rods: synthesis and characterization. 2nd International Symposium on Advanced micro- and mesoporous materials, Sep 2007, Varna, Bulgaria. ⟨hal-00335384⟩
- Maguy Jaber, J. Piovan, Valentin Valtchev. Nanoporous zinc-silicate rods: synthesis and characterization. 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Micro-and Mesoporous materials, Sep 2007, VARNA, Bulgaria. pp.372-378. ⟨hal-00335690⟩
- J.-C. Gallego, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehe-Brendle, Claire Marichal. Organic-inorganic hybrids: one-step synthesis & elaboration of nanocomposites. Euroclay 2007, Jul 2007, Aveiro, Portugal. ⟨hal-00161426⟩
- L. Itani, M. Jaber, J. Miehe-Brendle, F. Jaber. Synthèse de saponite par irradiation microondes. 5ème Colloque du Groupe Français des Argiles, Apr 2007, Mulhouse, France. ⟨hal-00161696⟩
- Laurent Bippus, Maguy Jaber, Bénédicte Lebeau. Procédés d'exfoliation de la laponite. 5ème Colloque du Groupe Français des Argiles, Apr 2007, Mulhouse, France. ⟨hal-00165029⟩
- J.-C. Gallego, M. Jaber, J. Miehe-Brendle, C. Marichal. Hybrides organiques-inorganiques à structure lamellaire : synthèse directe et caractérisation par RMN du Solide. 5ème Colloque du Groupe Français des Argiles, Apr 2007, Mulhouse, France. ⟨hal-00161692⟩
- Anca-Lucia Laza, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé, Hervé Demais, H. Le Deit. Elaboration de nanocomposites argile-algue. Matériaux 2006, Nov 2006, Dijon, France. ⟨hal-00270064⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé. Synthesis, characterization of phyllosilicates and organophyllosilicates and their environmental applications: incorporation of fluoride as a mineralizer agent and a local probe to study the octahedral character. AIZ Workshop 2006 - Innovative Applications of Layered Materials: from Catalysis to Nanotechnology, Sep 2006, Alessandria, Italy. ⟨hal-00268717⟩
- Laurent Bippus, Maguy Jaber, Bénédicte Lebeau. Innovative applications of layered materials : from catalysis to nanotechnology. Association Italienne des Zéolithes - Workshop 2006, (AIZ), Aug 2006, Alessandria, Italy. ⟨hal-00269262⟩
- Anca-Lucia .Laza, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé, Maguy Jaber, Hervé Demais, H. Le Deit. Elaboration de composites argile-biopolymère. Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale, FST, Jun 2006, Mulhouse, France. ⟨hal-00268894⟩
- Anca-Lucia .Laza, Maguy Jaber, Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé, Hervé Demais, H. Le Deit. Intercalation and exfoliation of na- montmorillonite with biopolymer extract from green algae. Bridging Clays, joint meeting Groupe Français des Argiles & Clay Mineral Society, Jun 2006, Ile d'Oléron, France. ⟨hal-00268869⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Fabrice Gaslain, Jocelyne Miehe-Brendle. Spherical Organoclay by evaporation induced self assembly. Bridging Clays, joint meeting Groupe Français des Argiles & Clay Mineral Society, Jun 2006, Ile d'Oléron, France. ⟨hal-00268732⟩
- M. Jaber, O. Duruphty, N. Steunou, T. Azais, Jolivet J.-P., et al.. Novel phosphorus vanadium oxide nanotubes. Novel phosphorus vanadium oxide nanotubes, Sep 2004, ANVERS, Belgium. ⟨hal-00181738⟩
- Maguy Jaber, N. Steunou, T. Azais, J. Livage. Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes: New Synthesis Route and Mechanism of Formation. MRS Fall Meeting, Sep 2004, ANVERS, Belgium. pp.181-185. ⟨hal-00292925⟩
- H. Demais, J. Brendle, A.L. Laza, M. Jaber. Insertion of biopolymers in the interlayer space of natural montmorillonite. Creation of a new natural nanomaterial : “Amadeite”. Insertion of biopolymers in the interlayer space of natural montmorillonite. Creation of a new natural nanomaterial : “Amadeite”, May 2002, BANGKOK, Thailand. ⟨hal-00121188⟩
Poster de conférence4 document
- Linh Tran, Romain Berraud-Pache, Maguy Jaber. Unveiling photodegradation of natural dyes with DFT/TD-DFT. Journée Théorie Modélisation et Simulation (JTMS), Oct 2023, Strasbourg, France. . ⟨hal-04472047⟩
- Linh Tran, Romain Berraud-Pache, Maguy Jaber. Deciphering natural dyes with computational chemistry. La spectroscopie vibrationnelle, de la théorie à la pratique, May 2023, Deauville, France. , 2023. ⟨hal-04472049⟩
- Cyril Szopa, Patrice Coll, Fabien Stalport, Olivier Poch, Maguy Jaber, et al.. Fate of Organic Molecules in the Mars Regolith Under UV Radiation Deduced from the MOMIE Laboratory Experiment. Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments conference, May 2016, Lake Tahoe, United States. ⟨insu-01337000⟩
- O. Poch, Patrice Coll, Cyril Szopa, F. Stalport, T. Georgelin, et al.. Chemical evolution of organic molecules under Mars-like UV radiation conditions simulated in the laboratory with the MOMIE setup. Eighth International Conference on Mars, Jul 2014, Pasadena, United States. pp.abstract 1228, 2014. ⟨hal-01139973⟩
Ouvrages (y compris édition critique et traduction)1 document
- Jean-François Lambert, Thomas T.Georgelin, Maguy Jabert. Mini manuel de Chimie inorganique L1/L2 , CAPES, IUT. 2014. ⟨hal-01117553⟩
Chapitres d'ouvrage3 document
- Ana Flávia Félix Farias, Sandro Marden Torres, Elson Longo, Maguy Jaber, Maria Gardennia Fonseca, et al.. ZnO/bentonite Hybrids Obtained by a Simple Method of Synthesis and Applied as Catalyst for Biodiesel Production. Felipe A. La Porta, Carlton A. Taft. Functional Properties of Advanced Engineering Materials and Biomolecules, Springer International Publishing, pp.1-25, 2021, Engineering Materials, 978-3-030-62225-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-62226-8_1⟩. ⟨hal-04026723⟩
- Maguy Jaber, Jean-François Lambert, Sébastien Balme. Protein adsorption on clay minerals. Surface and Interface Chemistry of Clay Minerals, 9, Elsevier, pp.255-288, 2018, Developments in Clay Science, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-08-102432-4.00008-1⟩. ⟨hal-04026729⟩
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