Dans le cadre de son invitation à l’UPMC et au LAMS grace au programme européen Eramus+, Alicja Rafalska-Lasocha, Professeur à l’Université de Cracovie, présentera un séminaire au laboratoire puis une conférence dans le cadre des mardi de la Chimie de l’UPMC.
le 15 juin 2015, à 14h, dans la salle de réunion du LAMS, un séminaire “X-ray Powder Diffractometry in analysis of pigments”
le 16 juin 2015, à 16h45, à l’amphi 55 B du campus Jussieu, une conférence interdisciplinaire : “Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage”
Résumé – Crystals can be found almost everywhere in nature. Minerals, snowflakes and grains of salt are among the most popular examples. Since antiquity, people have been intrigued by the beauty of crystals, their symmetrical shape and the variety of their colours. Crystals themselves and their various shapes have been, and still are, an inspiration for artists, architects and other people who perform creative activities. For ages, crystals were the objects of desire and admiration; in the beginning of the 20th century, however, scientists realised that Xrays could be used to ‘see’ the structure of matter. This realisation marks the dawn of modern crystallography. In my talk, I will try to show the charm and beauty of crystals and talk about crystallography and symmetry in art and about the crystallographic analysis of artwork and ancient materials. I will also talk about the International Year of Crystallography, which was organised jointly by the IUCr and UNESCO in 2014.
Notes biographiques – I am a senior scientist at the 650 years old Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland), the university at which Marie Curie wanted to obtain a position after her studies in Paris. In those times, however, women were not allowed to study or work in the AustroHungarian Empire, so she went back to Paris. My research interests include scientific analysis of objects of cultural heritage and the history of science. In 2008 I was among the crystallographers who created the commission « Crystallography in Art and Cultural Heritage », one of the working groups of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).