Chemical characterization of archaeological dyes
Collaboration entre le CNRS et le Korean Institute of Science and Technology (Séoul, Corée du Sud).
Responsables : Yeonhee Lee (KIST) et Philippe Walter(LAMS)
The aim of this research is to combine different analytical techniques to indentify organic dyeing molecules on archaeological fabrics and pigments. These molecules were extracted from plants or animals with different complex methods before being fixed on the fibers or inorganic substrate. We would like to define their molecular fingerprints and to compare the uses of different plants/amimals according to the historical traditions in Korea or around the Mediterranean area (Egypt, Greece, Roman Empire during Antiquity).
– From a methodological point of view, we will use different analytical techniques to give new insights on these materials: XPS, ToF-SIMS and FTIR at KIST ; Ion beam analysis, XRF, UV-visible and UV fluorescence spectroscopy at LAMS-CNRS.
– From an archeological point of view: samples will be analyzed with the different techniques. The results will be compared with different recipes described in texts. A selection of these recipes will be reproduced in the laboratory to give reference materials to the study. We will particularly look at the use of madder and indigo for respectively pink and blue colors.
– This research will be an opportunity to study simultaneously two traditions in Asia and in Europe relative to the production of colored materials and to develop a new collaborative project between Korea and France.
Keywords : Analytical chemistry, Archaeology, Dyes, History of techniques, Non destructive testing, Natural molecules